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(Refereed International Journal Articles)(29) Huang Xin*, and Zhang Liangpei. An SVM ensemble approach combining spectral, structural, and semantic features for the classification of high-resolution remotely sensed imagery. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2013, 51(1): 257-272.(28) Huang Xin*, Zhang Liangpei, and Zhu Tingting. Building change detection from multitemporal high-resolution remotely sensed images based on a morphological building index. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2013, DOI:.(27) Guo Xian, Huang Xin*, Zhang Liangpei. Hyperspectral image noise reduction based on rank-1 tensor decomposition. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2013, 83: 50-63, DOI: .(26) Zhang Qian, Huang Xin*, and Zhang Liangpei. An energy-driven total variation model for segmentation and classification of high spatial resolution remote-sensing imagery. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2013, 10(1): 125-129.(25) Zhang Lefei, Tao Dacheng, and Huang Xin*. Sparse transfer manifold embedding for hyperspectral target detection. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2013, 51(10), DOI:.(24) Zhang Liangpei, Tao Dacheng, and Huang Xin*. Tensor discriminative locality alignment for hyperspectral image spectral–spatial feature extraction. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2013, 51(1): 242-256.(23) Zhang Lefei, Zhang Liangpei, Tao Dacheng, and Huang Xin*. A Modified Stochastic Neighbor Embedding for Multi-feature Dimension Reduction of Remote Sensing Images. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2013, 83: 30-39, DOI: .(22) Huang Xin*, and Zhang Liangpei. A multilevel decision fusion approach for urban mapping using very-high-resolution multi/hyper-spectral imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2012, 33(11): 3354-3372.(21) Huang Xin*, and Zhang Liangpei. A multiscale urban complexity index based on 3D wavelet transform for spectral-spatial feature extraction and classification: an evaluation on the 8-channel WorldView-2 imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2012, 33(8): 2641-2656.(20) Huang Xin*, and Zhang Liangpei. Morphological building/shadow index for building extraction from high-resolution imagery over urban areas. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2012, 5(1): 161-172.(19) Zhang Lefei, Zhang Liangpei, Tao Dacheng, and Huang Xin*. On combining multiple features for hyperspectral remote sensing image classification. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2012, 50(3): 879-893.(18) Huang Xin*, Zhang Liangpei, and Gong Wei. Information fusion of aerial images and LIDAR data in urban areas: vector stacking, re-classification, and post-processing approaches. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2011, 32(1): 69–84.(17) Huang Xin*, and Zhang Liangpei. A multidirectional and multiscale morphological index for automatic building extraction from mutispectral GeoEye-1 imagery. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 2011, 77(7): 721–732.(16) Tang Yuqi, Zhang Liangpei, and Huang Xin*. Object-oriented change detection based on the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test using high-resolution multispectral imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2011, 32(20): 5719-5740.(15) Zhang Qian, Zhang Liangpei, and Huang Xin*. Classification of high spatial resolution imagery based on distance-weighted MRF with an improved ICM method. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2011, 32(24): 9843-9868.(14) Zhang Lefei, Zhang Liangpei, Tao Dacheng, and Huang Xin*. A multi-feature tensor for remote sensing target recognition. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2011, 8(2): 374–378.(13) Song Shalei, Gong Wei, Zhu Bo, and Huang Xin*. Wavelength selection and spectral discrimination for paddy rice, with laboratory measurements of hyperspectral leaf reflectance. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 66(5): 672-682.(12) Huang Xin*, and Zhang Liangpei. Comparison of vector stacking, multi-SVMs fuzzy output, and multi-SVMs voting methods for multiscale VHR urban mapping. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2010, 7(2): 262–266.(11) Zhang Liangpei, and Huang Xin*. Object-oriented subspace analysis for airborne hyperspectral remote sensing imagery, Neurocomputing, 2010, 73(4-6): 927–936.(10) Wang Zhongwu, Liu Shunxi, You Shucheng, and Huang Xin*. Simulation of low-resolution panchromatic images by multivariate linear regression for pan-sharpening Ikonos imageries. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2010, 7(3): 515–519.(9) Huang Xin*, Zhang Liangpei, and Wang Le. Evaluation of morphological texture features for mangrove forest mapping and species discrimination using multispectral IKONOS imagery. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2009, 6(3): 393–397.(8) Huang Xin* and Zhang Liangpei. A comparative study of spatial approaches for urban mapping using hyperspectral ROSIS images over Pavia city, northern of Italy. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2009, 30(12): 3205–3221.(7) Huang Xin* and Zhang Liangpei. Road centreline extraction from high resolution imagery based on multiscale structural features and support vector machines. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2009, 30(8): 1977–1987.(6) Huang Xin* and Zhang Liangpei. An adaptive mean-shift analysis approach for object extraction and classification from urban hyperspectral imagery. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2008, 46(12): 4173–4185.(5) Huang Xin*, Zhang Liangpei, and Li Pingxiang. A multiscale feature fusion approach for classification of very high resolution satellite imagery based on wavelet transform. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2008, 29(20): 5923–5941.(4) Huang Xin*, Zhang Liangpei, and Li Pingxiang. Classification of very high spatial resolution imagery based on the fusion of edge and multispectral information. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 2008, 74(12): 1585–1596.(3) Huang Xin*, Zhang Liangpei, Li Pingxiang. An adaptive multiscale information fusion approach for feature extraction and classification of IKONOS multispectral imagery over urban areas. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2007, 4(4): 654–658.(2) Huang Xin*, Zhang Liangpei, and Li Pingxiang. Classification and extraction of spatial features in urban areas using high resolution multispectral imagery. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2007, 4(2): 260–264.(1) Zhang Liangpei, Huang Xin*, Huang Bo, and Li Pingxiang. A pixel shape index coupled with spectral information for the classification of high spatial resolution remotely sensed imagery. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2006, 44(10): 2950–2961.
1 论文目录(SCI、EI收录及重点核心刊物)1). Fe-C-V三元熔体热力学性质研究及应用分析,王海川,陈二保,董元},李文超,北京科技大学学报, ,22(4):312~315 (EI收录)2). 铁水氧势对高炉铁水脱硅脱磷影响的实验研究,王海川,张友平,郭上型,陈二保,董元篪,钢铁研究学报,2000,12,12(6):11~153). Fe-C-j(j=Ti、V、Cr、Mn)熔体热力学规律,王海川,王世俊,乐可襄,董元篪,李文超,金属学报,2001,37(9):952-956 (SCI收录)4). A data treatment method of carbon saturated solubility in Fe-Cr-C melt,WANG Haichuan,WANG Shijun,YUE Kexiang,DONG Yuanchi,LI Wenchao, ., USTB, 2002,02,9(1): (SCI、EI收录)5). The effect on steel quality by adjusting basicity of top slag with SiFe and SiCaBa alloy as exothermic agent,WANG Haichuan,ZHOU Yun,WANG Shijun,YUE Kexiang,DONG Yuanchi,J. Iron & Steel Res. International, 2002,5, 9(1):12-15 (SCI收录)6). 化学加热法用硅系铁合金加热钢液的热模拟研究,王海川,周云,王世俊,乐可襄,董元篪,钢铁,2002, 9, 37(9):20-22 (EI收录)7). 石灰系预熔渣真空精炼低硫低磷中碳钢试验研究,王海川,周云,王世俊,董元篪,特殊钢,2003,07,24(4):22-23 (EI收录)8). Vacuum treatment for simultaneous de-S and de-P of hot metal and molten steel ,WANG Haichuan,ZHOU Yun,WANG Shijun,YUE Kexiang,DONG Yuanchi,J. Iron & Steel Res. International, 2004,3, 11(2): 14-17 (SCI收录)9). 碳饱和三元金属熔体热力学性质的计算方法,王海川,周云,吴宝国,王世俊,董元篪,钢铁研究学报,2004, 6,16(3):29~3210). The Thermodynamic Properties of Fe-Mn-C Melt at Reduced Pressure,WANG Haichuan,WANG Shijun,ZHOU Yun,GAO Li,DONG Yuanchi,SUN Haiping, Steel Res. International, 2005,10,76(10): 731-734 (SCI、EI收录)11). Physical and chemical performance of high Al steels, WANG Haichuan, DONG Yuanchi, ZHANG wenming, WANG shijun, ZHOU yun, J. of Central South Univ. of Tech., Sci. & Tech. Of Mining and metall.,,12(4):385-388 (SCI收录) (EI收录, wang Hai-chuan)12). Thermodynamics of Fe-C-j(j=Al、Si、P、S) melts ,WANG Haichuan,WANG Shijun,ZHOU Yun,DONG Yuanchi,LI Wenchao,J. Iron & Steel Res. International, 2005,7, 12(4):17-19,34 (SCI收录)13). 脉冲电场处理对钢的凝固组织及元素分布影响的研究,王海川,张旺胜,廖直友,闵常杰,王世俊,董元篪,北京科技大学学报,,39(8): 793-797 (EI收录)14). 功率超声对粒子示踪剂运动轨迹影响的数值模拟,王海川,刘丹,过程工程学报,,8(S1):90-93 (EI收录)15). 铁水预处理过程氮含量控制的试验研究,周云,王海川,王世俊,董元篪,王涛,夏幸明,石洪志,朱立新,钢铁,2004,04,39(4):18-20 (EI收录)16). 低氟低钠脱磷脱硫剂的实验研究, 吴宝国,王海川,周云,王世俊,乐可襄,董元篪,钢铁研究学报, 2004,16(2)17). Microwave heating of soda-lime glass by addition of iron powder,Noboru Yoshikawa, Haichuan Wang, Ken-ichi Mashiko, Shoji Taniguchi,Journal of Materials Research, v 23, n 6, June, 2008, p 1564-1569 (EI收录)18). 钢水用硅系发热剂升温的实验和应用,乐可襄,董元篪,王海川,王世俊,宋宇宾,杨世权,特殊钢,1997,02,18(1):20-23 (EI收录,用”yue kexiang”检索)19). 用Si-Fe、Si-Al升温钢液的研究,乐可襄,董元篪,王海川,王世俊,钢铁研究学报,1997,04,9(2):13-1720). 钢包喂含镁包芯线脱硫工艺研究,王世俊,乐可襄,王海川,董元篪,张雪松,胡道峰,钢铁,2001, 05,36(5): 21). 在铁水预处理中CaO-Fe2O3-CaF2基粉剂脱磷工艺和影响因素的探讨,乐可襄,王世俊,王海川,龚志作,刘欣隆,孙树森,夏幸明,钢铁,2002, 07,37(7): 20-22,32 (EI收录)22). Mathematical simulation of flow phenomena in CAS-OB Refining Ladle,ZHOU Yun,DONG Yuanchi,WANG Haichuan,WANG Shijun,LIU Yongbing, J. Iron & Steel Res. International, 2003, 11, 10(4):8-12 (SCI收录)23). 熔渣中BaO和TiO2在不同条件下对钢液氮含量的影响,王世俊,黄小东,王海川,周云,钢铁研究学报, , 18(12):15-1724). CaO-SiO2-Fe2O3-MnO2-MgO-P2O5系熔剂对钢液脱磷回磷的实验研究,郭上型,董元篪,陈二保,王海川,钢铁,2000, 03,35(3): 19-21 (EI收录)25). CAS-OB钢包底吹排渣效果的实验研究,乐可襄,高亚萍,王世俊,王海川,周云,钢铁研究学报,2001,12, 13(6):11~1526). 氮的溶解度及预处理过程脱氮的实验研究, 吴宝国,董元篪,周云,王海川,王世俊, 北京科技大学学报, ,26(2):125~129 (EI收录)27). 钢包顶渣中的碱度和碳含量对钢液氮含量的影响,王世俊,黄小东,章华兵,王海川,周云,钢铁研究学报, 2006,04,18(04):15-1728). 熔渣中BaO和TiO2对钢液氮含量的影响,王世俊; 周云; 章华兵; 王海川; 黄小东; 钢铁研究学报, ,19(8):11-1329). Microstructures of Microwave Heated Soda-Lime Glass - Fe Composite and Ni-Zr-Nb-Ti-Pt Metallic Glass,Noboru Yoshikawa, Dmitri V. Louzguine-Luzgin, Kenichi Maishiko, Haichuan Wang, Guoqiang Xie, Motoyasu Sato, Shoji Taniguchi, Akihisa Inoue,Materials Science Forum,2007,558-559:1459-1464 (EI收录)30) Application of microwave heating to reaction between soda-lime glass and liquid al for fabrication of composite materials, Yoshikawa Noboru, Wang Haichuan, Taniguchi Shoji, Materials Transactions, , 50, 5: 1174-1178 (EI收录)30). The Effect of steady magnetic field on distribution of Main Component and Solidification Microstructure of Steel,Haichuan WANG, Zhiyou LIAO, Wangsheng ZHANG, Zhenxing YIN and Shijun WANG, wfc2010, proceedings of .69th world foundry congree, : 918-92231). Effect of Pulsed Current on the Microstructure and Distribution of C and Mn in an Alloy, Haichuan Wang, Peng Hong, Zhiyou Liao, Xin Li, Jie Li, Gui Wang, Shijun Wang, and Matthew S. Dargusch, Advanced Materials Research, 2011,146-147:1612-1616, (). Effect of Ultrasonic Power on the Microstructure and Hardness of Commercially Pure Aluminum,Haichuan Wang, Dan Liu, Zhiyou Liao, Ming Li, Li Jie, Gui Wang, and Matthew S. Dargusch, ICMSE 2011,Advanced Materials Research,Vols. 194-196 (2011) pp 1192-1196. (ISSN: 1662-8985) (EI:20111113754030)33). Effect of Static Magnetic Field on Distribution of Elements in the Fe-S, Fe-Si, and Fe-Mn Alloys,Haichuan Wang, Zhiyou Liao, Ruipeng Pang, Peng Hong, Shijun Wang, Jie Li, Gui Wang and Matthew S. Dargusch,ICMSE 2011,Advanced Materials Research,Vols. 194-196 (2011) pp 367-370. (ISSN: 1662-8985) (EI20111113753857 )34). 稳恒磁场对Fe-C-S系合金凝固过程的影响,李新,王海川,洪鹏,李杰,廖直友,李明,2011 international conference on Applied Chemical Engineering(ICACE2011),HongKong, China, Feb. 20-21, 2011: ). 脉冲电场对Fe-C-P系合金熔体凝固过程的影响研究,洪鹏,王海川,李新,李杰,廖直友,钱章秀,过程工程学报,,11(1):79-84 \36). Effect of Pulsed Electric Field on the Distribution and Migration of P, S, and Si Elements of Fe-based Alloys,Zhiyou Liao, Haichuan Wang, Peng Hong, Xin LI, Jie Li, Shijun Wang,Gui Wang, and Matthew S. Dargusch,icmse2011,Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 194-196 (2011) pp 371-374 (ISSN: 1662-8985) (EI 20111113753858)
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