

发布时间:2023-02-16 15:08



中国生物医学工程学报 除了是北大核心和CSCD之外,它属于EI吗?

不是EI,属于CA  SA  JST,详细如下:


CA 化学文摘(美)(2014)

SA 科学文摘(英)(2011)

JST 日本科学技术振兴机构数据库(日)(2013)

CSCD 中国科学引文数据库来源期刊(2017-2018年度)(含扩展版)













-Dimensional Motion Analysis of the Right Ventricle Using an Electromechanical Biventricular ModelThree-Dimensional Motion Analysis of the Right Ventricle Using an Electromechanical Biventricular MoLecture Notes in Computer Science3314<>,夏灵,霍梅梅ar Level Electromechanical Modeling and Simulation of Heart Failure心室肌细胞电生理-力学复合模型在心力衰竭中的仿真研究中国生物医学工程学报26<>,Yu Zhang, Ling Xia, et the evaluation of MRI coil excited RF fields inside a multilayered spherical head phantom using DyadicGreen’s function/MoM method多层球状头模型中MRI线圈激励下射频场的求解--并矢格林函数矩量法浙江大学学报(工学版)41<>,Ling Xia, et -Dedicated Parallel FDTD SchemeAn MRI-Dedicated Parallel FDTD SchemeConcepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B31<>,HUA WANG, ADNAN TRAKIC,Ling Xia, et is of Ventricular Wall Motion Based on an Electromechanical Biventricular ModelAnalysis of Ventricular Wall Motion Based on an Electromechanical Biventricular ModelIEEE Computers in Cardiology30<>,夏灵,霍梅梅ar Modeling and Simulation of Short QT SyndromeCellular Modeling and Simulation of Short QT SyndromeDYNAMICS OF CONTINUOUS, DISCRETE AND IMPULSIVE SYSTEMS<>, 20070910Yu Zhang, Ling Xia, et al7.A Three-dimensional Electromechanical Model of Canine HeartA Three-dimensional Electromechanical Model of Canine HeartDYNAMICS OF CONTINUOUS, DISCRETE AND IMPULSIVE SYSTEMS<>, 20070910Jianhong Dou, Ling Xia, et ent Numerical Methods for Solving the Membrane Equations of Human Ventricular Cell ModeEfficient Numerical Methods for Solving the Membrane Equations of Human Ventricular Cell ModeJournal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience4<>, 20070910Yu Zhang, Ling Xia, et g the Electrocardiography Inverse Problem by Using an Optimal Algorithm Based on the Total Least Squares TheorySolving the Electrocardiography Inverse Problem by Using an Optimal Algorithm Based on the Total LeaProceedings of ICNC07<>, 20070901Guofa Shou, Ling Xia, et tion Analysis of Mechanical Properties of the Canine Heart with Bundle Branch Block Based on a 3-D Electromechanical ModelSimulation Analysis of Mechanical Properties of the Canine Heart with Bundle Branch Block Based on aComputers in Cardiology<>, 20070901Ling Xia, et ing Regularization Frameworks for Solving the Electrocardiography Inverse ProblemCombining Regularization Frameworks for Solving the Electrocardiography Inverse ProblemProceeding of ICIC07<>, 20070801Mingfeng Jiang, Ling Xia, et ation of Efficient Numerical Methods in Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations for Modeling Electrical Activity in Cardiac CellsApplication of Efficient Numerical Methods in Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations for ModeliProceeding of ICIC07<>, 2007080Yu Zhang, Ling Xia, et el Solution in Simulation of Cardiac Excitation Anisotropic PropagationParallel Solution in Simulation of Cardiac Excitation Anisotropic PropagationLNCS4466<>, 2007060Yu Zhang, Ling Xia, et asive Electroardiographic Imaging: Application of Hybrid Methods for Solving the Electrocardiography Inverse ProblemNoninvasive Electroardiographic Imaging: Application of Hybrid Methods for Solving the ElectrocardioLNCS4466<>, 20070601Mingfeng Jiang, Ling Xia, et ation of the LSQR method and a genetic algorithm for solving the electrocardiography inverse problemCombination of the LSQR method and a genetic algorithm for solving the electrocardiography inverse pPhys. 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Biol.52<>, 20070210Mingfeng Jiang, Ling Xia, et d and Inverse Solutions of Electrocardiography Problem Using an Adaptive BEM MethodForward and Inverse Solutions of Electrocardiography Problem Using an Adaptive BEM MethodLNCS4466<>, 20070201Guofa Shou, Ling Xia, et -dimensional Motion Analysis of Right Ventricular Based on an Electrophysiologic-mechanicai Composite Heart Model基于电生理一力学复合心脏模型的右心室三维运动分析生物医学工程学杂志24<>, 20070201Ling Xia, et Use of Genetic Algorithms for Solving the Inverse Problem of ElectrocardiographyThe Use of Genetic Algorithms for Solving the Inverse Problem of ElectrocardiographyProceedings of the 28th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference<>, 20061001Mingfeng Jiang, Ling Xia and Guofa Shou19.A Parallel FDTD Scheme for Electromagnetic Analysis and Design of MRI SystemA Parallel FDTD Scheme for Electromagnetic Analysis and Design of MRI SystemProceedings of the 28th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference<>, 20061001Hua Wang, Adnan Trakic, Ling Xia, Stuart Crozier, Feng Liu and Marek Bialkowski20.A comparison of different choices for the regularization parameter in inverse electrocardiography moA comparison of different choices for the regularization parameter in inverse electrocardiography moProceedings of the 28th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference<>, 20061001Guofa Shou, Mingfeng Jiang, Ling Xia, Qing Wei, Feng Liu and Stuart odynamic Heart Model Construction and ECG SimulationElectrodynamic Heart Model Construction and ECG SimulationMethods of Information in Medicine45<5>, 20061001L. Xia, M. Huo, Q. Wei, F. Liu, S. tion of Brugada syndrome using cellular and three-dimensional whole-heart modeling approachesSimulation of Brugada syndrome using cellular and three-dimensional whole-heart modeling approachesPHYSIOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT27<>, 20060918Ling Xia, Yu Zhang, Henggui Zhang, Qing Wei, Feng Liu and Stuart ent Solution of Bidomain Equations in Simulation of Cardiac Excitation Anisotropic PropagationEfficient Solution of Bidomain Equations in Simulation of Cardiac Excitation Anisotropic PropagationLecture Notes in Computer Science4115<>, 20060810Yu Zhang, Ling Xia, Guanghuan ent Solution of Bidomain Equations in Simulation of Cardiac Excitation Anisotropic PropagationEfficient Solution of Bidomain Equations in Simulation of Cardiac Excitation Anisotropic PropagationLecture Notes in Computer Science4115<>, 20060728Yu Zhang, Ling Xia, Guanghuan ophysiological simulation study of ECG T-wave alternation caused by ultrahigh static magnetic fields超高静磁场引起心电图T波变化的电生理学初步仿真研究国际生物医学工程杂志29<3>, 20060628罗如意,夏灵,朱 of cardiac motion on body surface electrocardiographic potentials:an MRI-based simulation stuEffect of cardiac motion on body surface electrocardiographic potentials:an MRI-based simulation stuPHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY51<>, 2006062Qing Wei, Feng Liu, Ben Appleton, Ling Xia,et tion Study of Body Surface ECG Based on a Dynamic Heart Model基于动态心脏模型的体表心电图仿真研究中国生物医学工程学报25<3>, 20060620夏灵,叶学松,霍梅梅,刘锋ss in ion-channel-based myocardium modeling and simulation基于离子通道的心肌细胞建模与仿真研究进展国外医学生物医学工程分册28<5>, 200陆晓华,夏灵ng and Simulation of Transmural Cellular Electromechanical Properties in Heart FailureModeling and Simulation of Transmural Cellular Electromechanical Properties in Heart FailureIEEE Computers in Cardiology32<>, 20050924张宇,寿国法,黄然,夏灵ar Modeling and Simulation of Brugada SyndromeCellular Modeling and Simulation of Brugada SyndromeIEEE Computers in Cardiology32<>, 20050924夏灵,张宇,陆晓华ar?Modeling?and?Simulation?of?Brugada?SyndromeCellular?Modeling?and?Simulation?of?Brugada?Syndrome32<>, rical Heart Model Incorporating Real Geometry and MotionAn Electrical Heart Model Incorporating Real Geometry and Motion<>, 20050901Ben Appleton, Qing Wei, Nianjun Liu, Ling Xia, Stuart Crozier, Feng Liu, Stephen tion Study of Transmural Cellular Electrical Properties in Failed Human HeartSimulation Study of Transmural Cellular Electrical Properties in Failed Human Heart<>, 2005090张宇,寿国法,夏灵ophysiological modeling study of ECG T-wave alternation caused by ultrahigh static magnetic fieldsElectrophysiological modeling study of ECG T-wave alternation caused by ultrahigh static magnetic fi<>, 20050901罗如意,张宇,夏灵ar Level Electromechanical Modelling and Simulation of Heart FailureCellular Level Electromechanical Modelling and Simulation of Heart Failure<>, 20050901黄冉,张宇,夏灵is of Cardiac Ventricular Wall Motion Based on a Three-Dimensional Electromechanical Biventricular ModelAnalysis of Cardiac Ventricular Wall Motion Based on a Three-Dimensional Electromechanical BiventricPhysics in Medicine and Biology50<>, 20050421Ling Xia, Meimei Huo, Qing Wei, Feng Liu, Stuart is?of?Cardiac?Ventricular?Wall?Motion?Based?on?a?Three-Dimensional?Electromechanical?Biventricular?ModelAnalysis?of?Cardiac?Ventricular?Wall?Motion?Based?on?a?Three-Dimensional?Electromechanical?Biventricular?Model50<>, tion study of heart stimulation caused by MRI electromagnetic fieldMRI中电磁场对人体心脏影响的模型仿真研究国外医学生物医学工程分册28<>, 20050201陶贵生,夏灵,何超明39.基于离子通道的心肌细胞建模与仿真研究进展国外医学生物医学工程分册28<>,ar?Modeling?and?Simulation?of?Brugada?SyndromeIEEE?Computers?in?Cardiology32<>,tion?Study?of?Transmural?Cellular?Electrical?Properties?in?Failed?Human?Heart27<>,ophysiological?modeling?study?of?ECG?T-wave?alternation?caused?by?ultrahigh?static?magnetic?fields27<>, g?and?Simulation?of?Transmural?Cellular?Electromechanical?Properties?in?Heart?FailureIEEE?Computers?in?Cardiology32<>,ar?Level?Electromechanical?Modelling?and?Simulation?of?Heart?Failure27<>,is?of?Cardiac?Ventricular?Wall?Motion?Based?on?a?Three-Dimensional?Electromechanical?Biventricular?ModelPhysics?in?Medicine?and?Biology50<>,中电磁场对人体心脏影响的模型仿真研究国外医学生物医学工程分册28<>,t-oriented designed Finite-difference time-domain simulator for electromagnetic analysis and design in MRI—applications to high field analysesAn object-oriented designed Finite-difference time-domain simulator for electromagnetic analysis andJournal of Magnetic Resonance172<>, 20041201魏青,刘锋,夏灵,S. -Dimensional?Motion?Analysis?of?the?Right?Ventricle?Using?an?Electromechanical?Biventricular?ModelThree-Dimensional?Motion?Analysis?of?the?Right?Ventricle?Using?an?Electromechanical?Biventricular?Model3314<>, g Heart Modeling and SimulationBeating Heart Modeling and SimulationIEEE Computers in Cardiology31<>, 200409夏灵,霍梅梅,张昕50. Object-oriented Designed Finite-difference Time-domain Simulator for Electromagnetic Analysis and Design in MRIAn Object-oriented Designed Finite-difference Time-domain Simulator for Electromagnetic Analysis and<>, 20040901魏青,S. Crozier,夏灵,刘锋 Analysis of Right Ventricular Wall Based on an Electromechanical Biventricular ModelMotion Analysis of Right Ventricular Wall Based on an Electromechanical Biventricular Model<>, 2004090夏灵,霍梅梅,刘锋52.?object-oriented?designed?Finite-difference?time-domain?simulator?for?electromagnetic?analysis?and?design?in?MRI—applications?to?high?field?analysesJournal?of?Magnetic?Resonance172<>,-Dimensional?Motion?Analysis?of?the?Right?Ventricle?Using?an?Electromechanical?Biventricular?ModelLecture?Notes?in?Computer?Science3314<>,nce of magnetically-induced E-fields on cardiac electric activity during MRI: A modeling studyInfluence of magnetically-induced E-fields on cardiac electric activity during MRI: A modeling studyMagnetic Resonance in Medicine50<6>, 20031201刘锋,夏灵,Stuart h Progress of Heart Modeling and Simulation心脏建模仿真研究进展国外医学生物医学工程分册26<>, 20030201霍梅梅,夏灵is of the Influence of the Electrical Asynchrony on Regional Mechanics of the Infarcted Left Ventricle Using Electromechanical Heart ModelsAnalysis of the Influence of the Electrical Asynchrony on Regional Mechanics of the Infarcted Left Ventricle Using Electromechanical Heart ModelsJSME International Journal,Series A46<1>, 200301刘锋,夏灵,张昕 Analysis of the Mechanical Response of Human Left Ventricle Subjected to the Active Force心电激励下的人体左心室力学响应分析计算力学学报19<4>, 20021101夏灵,刘锋 Simulation Study of the Influence of Electrical Asynchrony on Regional Mechanics of the Ischemic Ventricle using Electromechanical Heart ModelsThe Simulation Study of the Influence of Electrical Asynchrony on Regional Mechanics of the Ischemic Ventricle using Electromechanical Heart ModelsIEEE Computers in Cardiology29<>, 20020924夏灵,霍梅梅,刘锋tion Study of the Potential Hazards of Cardiac StimulationSimulation Study of the Potential Hazards of Cardiac StimulationIEEE Computers in Cardiology29<>, 20020924夏灵,刘锋,赵华炜ch Progress of Nerve Stimulation and Cardiac Stimulation Caused by Electromagnetic Field in MRIMRI中电磁场对神经及心脏刺激的研究进展生物物理学报18<>, 20020601夏灵,何超明 Construction of Composite Finite Element Mechanical Model of Human Left Ventrical人体左心室复合材料有限元机械模型的建立中国生物医学工程学报21<>, 20020601吴国华,刘锋,夏灵,吕维雪 construction of ECG simulation model of beating heart跳动心脏的心电仿真模型建构生物物理学报17<>, 20010201张力锋,吴国华,夏灵 Construction of Three-Dimensional Composite Finite Element Mechanical Model of Human Left VentricalThe Construction of Three-Dimensional Composite Finite Element Mechanical Model of Human Left VentricalJSME International Journal, Series C44<>, 20010201刘锋,吕维雪,夏灵,吴国华ch for outside surface potential: A new method of detecting cardiac electricity心电体外层电位仿真研究:一种检测心电活动的新方法中国生物医学工程学报20<>, 20010201吴国华,夏灵 Construction of Three-Dimensional Mechanical Model of Human Left VentricalThe Construction of Three-Dimensional Mechanical Model of Human Left Ventrical<>, 20001001吴国华,刘锋,夏灵tion study of myocardium infarction based on heart model基于心脏模型的心肌梗塞病变仿真研究自然科学进展10<>, 20001001刘锋,肖国臻,刘亚群,夏灵,吕维雪tical foundation and computation of body surface Laplacian ECG基于等效心电源的体表Laplacian图的理论基础及其计算浙江大学学报34<>, 20000301张尚军,夏灵,吕维雪 value studies of the contribution of body surface departure map on the localization of myocardial infarction体表电位积分差图在确定心肌梗塞区域中的价值研究中国生物医学工程学报19<>, 20000201徐文龙,夏灵,吕维雪tical foundation of body surface Laplacian ECG based on realistic heart-torso model基于真实心脏-躯干模型的体表Laplacian图的理论基础中国生物医学工程学报18<>, 19990601张尚军,张翠英,夏灵,吕维雪s of Coronary Artery Stenosis with Heart-Torso ModelStudies of Coronary Artery Stenosis with Heart-Torso Model20<>, 19981001徐文龙,夏灵,吕维雪tion of HIS Bundle Electrogram in a Computerized 3-D Heart ModelSimulation of HIS Bundle Electrogram in a Computerized 3-D Heart Model20<>, 19981001孙亚杰,夏灵,吕维雪-channel width measuring instrument with CCD for cold rolled sheet多通道CCD冷轧板材在线测宽仪钢铁33<9>, 19980901吴国华,夏灵,吕维雪tative simulation studies of effect of myocardium electricity parameters on ECG rhythm心肌电特性参数对心律影响的定量仿真研究中国生物医学工程学报17<>, 19980301段云所,夏灵,吕维雪on for electrocardiographic inverse problem based on virtual heart基于虚拟心脏的心电逆问题研究中国生物医学工程学报17<>, 19980301夏灵,吕维雪 of the mechanism of reentry producing折返形成机制的仿真研究生物物理学报13<>, 19971001夏灵,张尚军,段云所,吕维雪s of Localization of the Ventricular Preexcitation Accessory Pathway using Heart Model Parameter OptimizationStudies of Localization of the Ventricular Preexcitation Accessory Pathway using Heart Model Parameter OptimizationIEEE Computers in Cardiology24<>, 19971001李光林,夏灵,吕维雪tion of Implicit Information in BiosignalsExtraction of Implicit Information in BiosignalsMethods of Information in Medicine36<>, 19971001吕维雪,夏灵ch progress on bioelectromagnetics生物电磁学的研究动态生物物理学报13<>, 19970901夏灵,肖国臻,吕维雪s of Localization of the Ventricular Preexcitation Accessory Pathway based on Virtual Heart Model Parameter Solution of ECG Inverse Problem心电逆问题的虚拟心脏模型参数解用于心室预激旁道定位的研究生物物理学报13<>, 19970601李光林,夏灵,吕维雪omputer-based Cardiac Arrhythmia Simulation ModelMicrocomputer-based Cardiac Arrhythmia Simulation Model34(Suppl.1)<>, 19960601夏灵,吕维雪,段云所81.A New Approach to the Inverse Problem in ElectrocardiographyA New Approach to the Inverse Problem in ElectrocardiographyMedical & Biological Engineering & Computing34(Suppl.1)<>, 1996060吕维雪,夏灵,魏大名tion Study of Epicardial Potentials心外膜电位仿真研究中国生物医学工程学报15<>, 19960301吕维雪,夏灵er Simulation of Epicardial Potentials Using a Heart-Torso Model with Realistic GeometryComputer Simulation of Epicardial Potentials Using a Heart-Torso Model with Realistic GeometryIEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering43<>, 19960301吕维雪夏灵tion studies of effect of myocardium electrical excitation conduct speed on arrythmia心肌电兴奋传导速度对心律失常影响的仿真研究生物物理学报12<>, 19960201段云所,夏灵,吕维雪-dimensional simulation of epicardial potentials using a microcomputer-based heart-torso modelThree-dimensional simulation of epicardial potentials using a microcomputer-based heart-torso modelMedical Engineering & Physics17<>, 00000000

