

发布时间:2023-02-11 08:49


该刊已在国内重新创刊,新的刊名是Asian Herpetological Research(亚洲两栖爬行动物研究),英文刊,主办单位:中国科学院成都生物研究所和科学出版社,网址:,SCI、Biosis收录


1 Liu Cheng-chao.“The Linez Masculina”,a new secondary sex character in Salientia.Journ Morphol,1935,57(1):131—135.2 Liu Cheng-chao.Types of vocal sac in the Salientia.Proc Boston Soc Nat Hist,1935,41(3):19—40.3 Liu Cheng-chao.Rana boulengeri with a discussion of the allied speciesin China.Peking Nat Hist Bull,1935,10(1):55—60.4 Liu Cheng-chao.Secondary sex characters of Chinese frogs and toads.Field Mus.Nat Hist,zool ser,1936,22(2):115—156.5 Liu Cheng-chao.Life history of Trimeresurus jerdonii.Peking Nat Hist Bull,1940,14(4):245—252.6 Liu cheng-chao.Adaptation in tadpoles and adu1ts,No.1 of Natura1 History Studies of West China Amphibia.Peking Nat Hist Bull,1940, 15(2):161—174.7 Liu Cheng-chao.Life history of Rhacoporus davidi(Sauvage),No.2 of Natural History Studies of West China Amphibia.Peking Nat Hist Bull,1940,15(3):243—251.8 Liu Cheng-chao.Life history of Rana boulengeri,No.3 of Natural History Studies of West China Amphibia.Peking Nat Hist Bull,1940,15 (3):253—259.9 Liu Cheng-chao.Life history of Rana adenopleura(Ranamusica?),No.4 of Natural History Studies of West Chinab Amphibia.Peking Nat Hist Bull,1940,15(4):285—290.10 Liu Cheng-chao.Life history of Staurois chunganensis,No.5 of Natural History Studies of West China Amphibia.Peking Nat Hist Bull,1940, 15(4):291—295.11 Liu Cheng-chao.Tadpoles of West China Salientia.Journ.W.China Bord Res Soc,1940,12(B):7—62.12 Liu Cheng-chao.Two new scutigers from Chao-chiao-hsien,Sikang.Journ W.China Bord Res Soc,1943,14(B):35—38.13 Liu Cheng-chao.Life history of Kaloula rugifera.No.6 of Natural History Studies of West China Amphibia.Journ W China Bord Res Soc,1943,14(B):39—42.14 Liu Cheng-chao.Life history of Rhacophorus leucomystax.No.7 of Natural History Studies of West China Amphibia.Journ W China Bord Res Soc,1943,14(B):43—50.15 Liu Cheng-chao.Life history of Scutiger sikkimensis with a discussion of its allied species in China.No.8 of Natural History Studies of West China Amphibia.Journ W China Bord Res Soc,1943,14(B):51—78.16 Liu Cheng-chao.Life history of Batrachu peruspinchonii(David).No.9 of Natural History Studies of West China Amphibia.Journ W China Bord Res Soc,1945,15(B):44—55.17 Liu Cheng-chao.Life history of Bombina maxima(Boulenger).No.10 of Natural History Studies of West China Amphibia.Journ W China Bord Res Soc,1945,15(B):56—60.18 Liu Cheng-chao.Life history of Kaloula macroptica Liu.No.11 of Natural History Studies of West China Amphibia. Journ W China Bord ResSoc,1945,15(B):61—64.19 Liu Cheng-chao.Life history of Rhacophorus hui Liu.No.12 of Natural History Studies of West China Amphibia.Journ W China Bord Res Soc,1945,15(B):65—69.20 Liu Cheng-chao.New frog from West China.Journ W China Bord Res Soc.1945,15(B):28—43.21 Liu Cheng-chao.A new wood frog Ranachao chiaoensis,with a discussion of its allied species from West China.Journ W China Bord Res Soc,1946,16(B):7—14.22 Liu Cheng-chao.A mphibians of Western China.Fieldiana:Zool Mem,1950,2:1—400. 23 刘承钊,胡淑琴.云南省西双版纳两栖类初步调查报告.动物学报,1959,11(4):509—533.24 刘承钊,胡淑琴,杨抚华.云南省两栖类调查报告.动物学报,1960,12(2):149—174.25 刘承钊,胡淑琴,杨抚华.四川巫山两栖类初步调查报告.动物学报,1960,12(2):278—292.26 Liu Cheng-chao,Hu Shu-chin.New scutigers from China with a discussion about the genus.Scientia Sinica(zool),1960,9(6):760—780.27 刘承钊,胡淑琴.中国无尾两栖类.北京:科学出版社,1961,364.28 刘承钊,胡淑琴,杨抚华.贵州西部两栖类初步调查报告.动物学报,1962,14(3):381—392.29 刘承钊,胡淑琴.广西两栖爬行动物初步调查报告.动物学报,1962,14(增刊):73—104.30 胡淑琴,赵尔宓,刘承钊.秦岭及大巴山地区两栖爬行动物调查报告.动物学报,1966,18(1):57—89.31 胡淑琴,赵尔宓,刘承钊.贵州省两栖爬行动物调查及区系分析.动物学报,1973,19(2):149—178.32 刘承钊,胡淑琴,黄祝坚等.海南岛两栖动物调查报告.动物学报,1973,19(4):385—404.33 刘承钊,胡淑琴,赵尔宓.髭蟾属Vibrissaphora和种的初步探讨,及其与分类学有关问题的讨论.两栖爬行动物研究,1980,3(1):1—9.

