1.专著 Style and Rhetoric of Short Narrative Fiction: Covert Progressions Behind Overt Plots, 唯一作者,纽约和伦敦Routledge出版社,2013年11月出版。《叙事、文体与潜文本——重读英美经典短篇小说》,唯一作者,北京大学出版社2009,2011年重印。 《英美小说叙事理论研究》,申丹、韩加明、王丽亚著,北京大学出版社2005,2013第4次印刷。 《叙述学与小说文体学研究》,唯一作者,北京大学出版社,1998,2007年第3版第3次印刷。 《文学文体学与小说翻译》(Literary Stylistics and Fictional Translation),唯一作者,北京大学出版社,1995,2007年第5次印刷。 《西方叙事学:经典与后经典》,申丹、王丽亚著,北京大学出版社,2010,2013年第3次印刷,北京市高等教育精品教材。 2.译著 《解读叙事》(J.希利斯·米勒著),唯一译者,北京大学出版社2002,2004年第3次印刷。 《当代叙事理论指南》(詹姆斯·费伦、彼得·J.拉宾诺维茨主编),申丹等六位译者合译(69.6万字),北京大学出版社2007。 3.编著 《西方文体学的新发展》,主编(三万字导读),上海外语教育出版社,2008,2011年重印。 《欧美文学论丛:欧美文论研究》,申丹、秦海英主编,人民文学出版社,2003。 “新叙事理论译丛”(共七部译著),译丛主编,北京大学出版社,2002-2011。 在国内外学术期刊、参考书和论文集中共发表论文约170篇(包括导读、书评等),其中有三十余篇期刊论文被国际权威索引A&HCI检索,在国内发表的论文有七十余篇发表于CSSCI来源期刊。 在国外重要期刊发表的论文包括: 美国Narrative(叙事研究顶级期刊)5 篇 欧美Poetics Today(诗学理论研究顶级期刊)3 篇(其中1篇为合著,第1作者) 美国Nineteenth-Century Literature(19世纪文学顶级期刊)1 篇 欧洲Journal of Literary Semantics(文学语义学研究顶级期刊)3 篇 美国Style(文体研究顶级期刊)6 篇(其中1篇与学生合著,第2作者) 英国Language and Literature(文体研究并列顶级期刊)4 篇(其中2篇与学生合著,第2作者) 欧洲English Studies: A Journal of English Language and Literature 2 篇 加拿大ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature 1 篇 美国Journal of Narrative Technique 1 篇 美国Journal of Narrative Theory 1 篇 欧洲Babel: International Journal of Translation(国际译联International Federation of Translators会刊)7 篇 欧洲Poetics 1 篇 美国Comparative Literature Studies 1 篇 英国Comparative Critical Studies 1 篇(两人合著,第1作者) 在国外重要期刊、权威参考书和论文集中共发表论文50余篇,以下是其中的大部分: Dan Shen,“Implied Author, Authorial Audience, and Context: Form and History in Neo-Aristotelian Rhetorical Theory”Narrative Vol. 21, No. 2 (2013): 140-158. Dan Shen, “Covert Progression Behind Plot Development: Katherine Mansfield’s ‘The Fly’.” Poetics Today Vol. 34, No.1-2 (2013): 147-175. Dan Shen, “Stylistics in China in the New Century.” Language and Literature Vol. 21, No.1(2012,创刊20周年纪念刊): 93-105. Dan Shen, “Language Peculiarities and Challenges to Universal Narrative Poetics.” In Analyzing World Fiction: New Horizons in Narrative Theory, edited by Frederick Luis Aldama. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2011, 17-32. Dan Shen, “Neo-Aristotelian Rhetorical Narrative Study: Need for Integrating Style, Context and Intertext.” Style Vol. 45, No.4 (2011): 576-597. Dan Shen, “What is the Implied Author?”Style Vol. 45, No. 1 (2011): 80-98. Dan Shen, “Unreliability.”Living Handbook of Narratology, edited by Peter Huhn et. al. Hamburg: Hamburg Univeristy Press, 2010. Dan Shen, “Implied Author, Overall Consideration, and Subtext of ‘Desiree’s Baby’.” Poetics Today Vo. 31, No.2 (2010): 285-312. Dan Shen, “The Stylistics of Narrative Fiction.” In Language and Style, edited by Dan McIntyre and Beatrix Busse. Hampshire and New York: Palgrave MacMillian, 2010, 225-249. Dan Shen, “‘Overall- Extended Close Reading’ and Subtexts of Short Stories.”English Studies: A Journal of English Language and Literature Vol. 91, No.2 (2010): 150-169. Dan Shen, “Non-ironic Turning Ironic Contextually: Multiple Context- Determined Irony in ‘The Story of an Hour’.”JLS: Journal of Literary Semantics Vol.38, No.2 (2009): 115-130. Dan Shen, “Edgar Allan Poe’s Aesthetic Theory, The Insanity Debate, and Ethically-Oriented Dynamics of ‘The Tell-Tale Heart.’”Nineteenth-Century Literature Vo. 63, No.3 (2008): 321-345. Dan Shen, “Review: Text World Theory: An Introduction.” Journal of Literary Semantics Vol. 37, No.1 (2008): 91-95. Dan Shen and Dejin Xu, “Intratextuality, Intertextuality, and Extratextuality: Unreliability in Autobiography versus Fiction.” Poetics Today Vo.28, No.1 (2007): 43-87. Dan Shen, “Internal Contrast and Double Decoding: Transitivity in Hughes’s ‘On the Road.’” JLS: Journal of Literary Semantics Vol. 36, No.1 (2007): 53-70. Dan Shen, “Booth’s The Rhetoric of Fiction and China’s Critical Context.” Narrative Vol. 15, No. 2 (2007): 167-186. Dan Shen, “Subverting Surface and Doubling Irony: Subtexts of Mansfield’s ‘Revelations’ and Others.” English Studies: A Journal of English Language and Literature Vol. 87, No.2 (2006): 191-209. Dan Shen and Xiaoyi Zhou, “Western Literary Theories in China: Reception, Influence and Resistance.” Comparative Critical Studies Vol. 3, No.1-2 (2006): 139-155.. Dan Shen, “How Stylisticians Draw on Narratology: Approaches, Advantages, and Disadvantages.” Style Vol. 39, No. 4 (2005): 381-395. Dan Shen, “Story-Discourse Distinction.” Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman et. al. London & New York, Routldege, 2005, 566-567. Dan Shen, “Why Contextual and Formal Narratologies Need Each Other.” JNT: Journal of Narrative Theory Vol.35, No.2 (2005): 141-171. Dan Shen, “What Narratology and Stylistics Can Do for Each Other.” InA Companion to Narrative Theory, edited by James Phelan and Peter J. Rabinowitz. Oxford: Blackwell, 2005, 136–149. Dan Shen, “Broadening the Horizon: On J. Hillis Miller’s Ananarratology.” Provocations to Reading, edited by Barbara Cohen and Dragan Kujundzic. New York: Fordham University Press, 2005, 14-29. Yinglin Ji and Dan Shen, “Transitivity and Mental Transformation: Sheila Watson’s The Double Hook.”Language and Literature Vol.13, No. 4 (2004): 335-348. Dan Shen, “What Do Temporal Antinomies Do to the Story-Discourse Distinction?: A Reply to Brian Richardson’s Response.”Narrative Vol.11, No.2 (2003): 237-241. Dan Shen, “Difference Behind Similarity: Focalization in Third-Person Center of Consciousness and First-Person Retrospective Narration.” In Acts of Narrative, edited by Carol Jacobs and Henry Sussman. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2003, 81-92. Dan Shen, “The Future of Literary Theories: Exclusion, Complementarity, Pluralism.” ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature Vol. 33, No. 3-4 (2002): 159-182. Zongxin Feng and Dan Shen, “The Play off the Stage: The Writer-Reader Relationship in Drama.”Language and Literature Vol.10, No. 1 (2001): 79-93. Dan Shen, “Traveling Theory: A Twisting Movement.” In In Search of a New Alphabet, edited by Harald Hendrix et. al. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1996, 213-218. Dan Shen, “Defense and Challenge: Reflections on the Relation Between Story and Discourse.”Narrative Vol. 10, No. 3 (2002): 222-243. Dan Shen, “Narrative, Reality, and Narrator as Construct: Reflections on Genette’s Narration.” Narrative Vol. 9, No.2 (2001): 123-129. Dan Shen, “Breaking Conventional Barriers: Transgressions of Modes of Focalization.” InNew Perspectives on Narrative Perspective, edited by Willie van Peer and Seymour Chatman. New York: SUNY Press, 2001, 159-172. Dan Shen, “Review: Semiotics and the Problem of Translation.” Babel: International Journal of Translation Vol.42, No.1 (1996): 53-57. Dan Shen, “Syntax and Literary Significance in the Translation of Realistic Fiction.”Babel: International Journal of Translation Vol. 38, No.3 (1992): 149-167. Dan Shen, “On the Transference of Modes of Speech from Chinese Narrative Fiction into English.” Comparative Literature Studies Vol.28, No.4 (1991): 395-415. Dan Shen, “The Distorting Medium: Discourse in the Realistic Novel.” Journal of Narrative Technique Vol.21, No.3 (1991): 231-249. Dan Shen, “Unreliability and Characterization.” Style Vol. 23, No. 2 (1989): 300- 311. Dan Shen, “Literalism: NON ‘formal-equivalence’.” Babel: International Journal of Translation Vol. 35, No. 4 (1989): 219-235. Dan Shen, “Stylistics, Objectivity, and Convention.”Poetics Vol.17, No.3 (1988): 221-238. Dan Shen, “On the Aesthetic Function of Intentional Illogicality in English-Chinese Translation of Fiction.”Style Vol. 22, No.4 (1988): 628-645. Dan Shen, “Objectivity in the Translation of Narrative Fiction.” Babel: International Journal of Translation Vol.34, No.3 (1988): 131-140. Dan Shen, “Fidelity Versus Pragmatism.” Babel: International Journal of Translation Vol. 31, No.3 (1985): 134-137. 国内发表在CSSCI来源期刊的论文包括: 《外国文学评论》14 篇 《外语教学与研究》13 篇(其中2篇为合著,第2作者) 《国外文学》10 篇 《外国文学》7 篇 《外国文学研究》4 篇 《当代外国文学》1 篇 《外国语》2 篇 《中国翻译》2 篇 《中国外语》2 篇 《北京大学学报》(哲社版)5 篇 《外语与外语教学》9 篇(其中3篇为合著,第2作者) 《江汉论坛》1 篇 《江西社会科学》4 篇 发表于其他核心期刊的论文: 《外国语文》(《四川外国语大学学报》)5 篇(其中2篇为合著,第2作者) 多次在国际学术会议上作特邀大会主旨发言,其中三次(均为唯一非西方的特邀主旨报告):2013年欧洲叙事学协会(ENN)第三届年会,主旨报告题目“Contextualized Poetics and Contextualized Rhetoric: Consolidation or Subversion?”2011年PALA(Poetics and Linguistics Association)年会,主旨报告题目“How to Uncover Narrative Subtext in Stylistic Analysis”。2009年德国弗莱堡大学“Linguistics and Literary Studies”国际研讨会,主旨报告题目“How to Make Linguistics More Helpful to the Interpretation of Narrative Fiction”。
四川外国语大学(Sichuan International Studies