

发布时间:2023-12-06 07:31


《可持续发展》已出刊论文被下列检索机构收录:维普万方全国期刊联合目录数据库(UNICAT)中国科学院国家科学图书馆开放存取图书馆读秀学术Academic Journals DatabaseAgricultural Engineering AbstractsCASEbscoCornellDirectory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)Google ScholarOpen J-GateOpen Access LibraryIndex CopernicusJournalseekNew JourNYULibrariesRice AbstractsScirusSHERPA/ROMEOSJSUSoil Science DatabaseThe Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek (EZB)TOC PremierTrueserialsUlrichswebWashingtonWeed AbstractsWorldCat


《环境与可持续发展》(原《环境科学动态》)杂志1976年创刊,由国家环境保护部主管,中日友好环境保护中心、国家环境保护部环境与经济政策研究中心主办,是环境科学综合性科技期刊。《环境与可持续发展》的办刊宗旨为宣传党和国家的环境方针、政策、法规,介绍国内外环境科研成果、环保工作经验;介绍各类环境污染物处理、处置技术及污染源治理经验;介绍国内外有关环境科学的信息与动态。宏观与微观、环境社会科学与环境自然科学、提高与普及相结合。全面报道国内外环境科学的发展及研究动态,促进作者及读者之间的交流。 主要栏目:政策研究,综述报告,调查与考察,应用技术,新知识介绍。 主要内容:1.国内外环境政策、环境管理、环境法学、环境经济学、环境医学、环境毒理学、环境教育学等综述及研究报告。2.国内外环境生态、农村环境保护、环保产业、清洁生产、水、气、渣、噪声、光污染防治新技术、先进工艺研究和案例分析等综述及研究报告。3.环境规划、环境分析与监测技术、环境质量评价、环境影响评价、综合防治等方法研究以及典型的调查、考察报告。4.环境政策、环保科学研究、治理技术等的发展趋势,保护环境生态、保护人体健康的居住、生活等环境科学、法律知识介绍,社会环保热点,重要学术活动及环保产业市场的信息等。


China is a low forest--covered country. The forest inthis country is mainly composed of young and middleaged plantations, and most of natural forests concentrateon remote areas. However, there arc two merits forpromotion of forestry in China; firstly there are rich treespecies that can provide an abundant gene pool for plan-..tation, and secondly Chinese government is paying agreat attention to plantation and protection of 1980 biomass and productivity have beeBased on a literature review, we re-analyzed Chinese national forest biomass and productivity data and response of predicted forest productivity to global climate changes. Total forest biomass in China was between 4. 0 Pg C (1 Pg C= 109 t C) and 7. 1 Pg C, with a best estimate of 4. 6 Pg C, and total national forest NPP excluding special product plantations and bamboo forest was 0. 4-0. 6 Pg C. a-1, with an average of 0. 5 Pg C. a-1. Studies of the terrestrial ecosystem models and the atmospheric general circulation models showed that prodicted global climate changes increased total forest NPP of China by 12 %-35 %, and that amplitude of change varies from place to place. These results provide effective data for future climate research in China.
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