

发布时间:2023-12-07 12:09


在这种情况下,方法的可靠性带来了更多的significanttechniques已经先进的基于一个合理的评价所产生的风险。对一个给定的管过程中发挥的不确定性等方法enablequantitative违约风险评价(加载,propertiesmaterials,温度,等),和优化管设计中考虑风险[ 1 ]。考虑到可疑的mechanicalanalyses是最佳的robustdimensioning结构的一个必要条件。这一目标的LED的structuresfor几十年的力学发展的概率方法。这些方法使其部件或系统的可靠性和可能影响研究的设计变量对suchcomponents或系统行为的变化。耦合mechanicreliabilityengineering方法必须将越来越复杂机械建模(行为的非线性,动态,疲劳,断裂的过程,使reliabilityeffective等)和可利用的研究。这必要的复杂性causesanalyses越来越苛刻的机时。用高强度低合金钢制成管steelsare用来构造气transportingpressurized烃和长距离输油管道。管道纵向高量的应力由于内部压力,上覆土层,地面交通,和environmentalattacks可以导致损伤,特别是在没有passiveprotective涂层。这种损害是压力腐蚀开裂的主要原因,壁厚减薄,和应力集中[ 2 ]的存在。此外,制造过程中的管,热mechanicaldeformations经常产生的残余应力。产生的残余往往很高,有时接近materialyield强度;然而,其效果并不明显,直到结构完全加载或暴露于服务环境[ 1,3,4 ]。拉伸表面残余应力对疲劳损伤detrimentalbecause他们增加,构件的应力腐蚀敏感性,甚至断裂。这项工作的目的是由力学模型耦合,得到的概率统计训练一个近似模型。通过力学计算的数量来衡量该模型的有效性将需要建立一个强大的有关分析的替代品,这是可靠性和灵敏度。


许多在机械车间制造的产品或进行的项目要在经过热处理后才有价值,本文论述的是钢热处理的最基本的内容.热处理也适用于非铁金属如铝铜黄铜.然而其过程有所不同在此不加论述.淬火的过程是加热钢然后冷却,目的在于增加硬度和拉伸度,降低韧度.得到良好的颗粒结构.这个过程包括将金属加热过其临界点温度,然后快速冷却.钢在加热过程中,铁与碳之间发生化学反应与物理反应.临界点,换句话,临界温度 指的是钢在这个点性能最符合要求. 当钢的温度达到华氏1400度到1600度之间时,经过快速冷却,其变化适宜制造出坚韧的金属.如果慢速冷却,就会恢复到原来的状态.通过快速把高温金属浸入水,油或盐水中(熄灭),理想的特性就保存了下来.金属就很硬很结实,塑性比以前更低.
用火钳把高温金属从炉中移出,快速插进冷却溶液中,搅动它以便金属冷却快且均匀.如果该金属较薄,如刀或刀刃, 用该物体切削冷却液以防卷刃.如果刃的一面比另一面受热不均匀,卷刃的现象就会出现.
"Fastener" 扣件是一个一般用词包括广泛分离的各种各样的材料,如钉子,螺丝,螺帽和螺栓, 锁紧螺母和垫圈,护环,铆钉和粘着剂 等等.
扣件具有不同的种类,有些扣件,如螺栓 ,垫圈使用年限很长,其他扣件,如铆钉,护环在这一区域很新.大多数产品中使用大量的不同的扣件.


Centrifugal force principles are also used in common appliances such as clothes dryers and in devices to control motor speeds and accelerate moving machines.

Centripetal force causes an object to travel in circular path.

This action is caused by the continuous application of forces, which tend to pull the object to the center. In other words, the inward force, which resists

the centrifugal force, is called the centripetal force.

The centripetal force of objects spinning at a constant rate produces an acceleration toward the center which is equal and opposite to the centrifugal force.

The materials used in the construction of rapidly moving machine parts and mechanisms must be structurally strong enough to provide the centripetal force

required to hold the parts to a circular path.

At the same time, the materials must be able to withstand the centrifugal force, which tends to pull the parts apart. Motion and the basic laws, which affect

motion, are important considerations because of the numerous applications of these principles to produce work through mechanical devices.
There are two primary mechanical motions: rotary and rectilinear. These terms suggest that rotary motion is a circular movement around a center line and

rectilinear motion is a straight line motion.

For either rotary or rectilinear motion, it is possible, with added mechanical devices, to produce other forms of motion such as intermittent motion and

reciprocating motion.

Rotary Motion: The motion that is commonly transmitted is rotary motion. This type of motion may be produced with hand tools or power tools. Rotary motion is

required to drill holes, turn parts in a lathe, mill surfaces, or drive a generator or fan belt.

Rectilinear Motion: The feed of a tool on a lathe, the cutting of steel on a power saw, or the shaping of materials are all situations in which rectilinear

or straight line motion produces work.

In each of these situations a part or mechanism is used to change rotary motion to straight-line motion. The screw of a micrometer and the threads in a nut

are still other applications where the direction of motion is changes from rotary to rectilinear.

Harmonic and Intermittent Motion: Any simple vibration, such as the regular back, and forth movement of the end of a pendulum, is simple harmonic motion.

However, many manufacturing processes require intermittent or irregular motion.

For example, the fast return stroke of a power hacksaw or shaper ram is desirable because no cutting is done on the return stroke. Therefore, as more time is

saved in returning the cutting tool to the working position, the less expensive is the operation.

The combinations of rotary and rectilinear motion obtainable are unlimited because of the large variety of parts such as gears, cams, pulleys, screws, links,

and belts, which can be combined in many arrangements.


Electrical Hoist is a crane combined by electromotor, speed reducer, roller,brake and crown block. It can be fixed, and also can be assembled with trolly and beam to become single-beam brige crane, twins beam brige crane and electric gantry crane, who can be used for winding with a little modification.
When designing the shaft parts, we need fully consider every neccessary specifications such as the material, heat treatment and precision s, we need consider the problems which may occur in or after design, and solve them in time. We should design in accordance with the requirements such as:
* meeting the requirements of strength and stiffness,
* improving the radiating performance and preventing thermal deformation,
* rational structure, and
* good mould and manufacturability.
This article synthetically explains how to confirm the related equipments, cutting parameters, process designing and machining quality analysis with consideration on selcting shaft blank, manufacturing process and final inspection.
This article consists of five parts, Part 1 to introduce why to study this project, Part 2 to explain the electrical hoist's application and function, Part 3 to specify the process for shaft parts of hoist, Part 4 to analyse the problems which may happen in the manufacturing process and the reason and the way to solve the problems, and Part 5 to check if the finished shaft meets the requirements based on the drawings.

