目前全国所有正规的护理期刊 目前只有 25种:护理类的期刊目前只有3个核心类别:北大中文核心期刊。中国科学引文数据库(cscd)。中国科技论文统计源期刊(即中国科技核心)。各类别核心所收录的期刊:北大中文核心:中华护理杂志。中国科学引文数据库(cscd):中华护理杂志。护理学杂志。解放军护理杂志。中国护理管理。中国科技核心[ 仅12种 ]:1、中华护理杂志 2、中国实用护理杂志 3、护士进修杂志 4、中国护理管理。5、护理管理杂志 6、护理学报 7、护理学杂志 8、护理研究。9、中华现代护理杂志 10、现代临床护理 11、解放军护理杂志 12、上海护理。未被 任何类别核心期刊目录 收录的正规护理期刊:1、国际护理学杂志 2、中西医结合护理(中英文) 3、齐鲁护理杂志 4、天津护理 5、中华护理教育 6、循证护理 7、护理研究(英文版) 8、中国临床护理 9、临床护理杂志 10、护理实践与研究 11、护理与康复 12、全科护理 13、当代护士(学术版)。
1、 1987年,《山西护理杂志》创刊,编辑部设在汾阳高级护校。
2、 1992年底,编辑部迁至山西医科大学第一医院。
3、 1994年,该刊开始公开发行。
4、 2000年8月,《山西护理杂志》更名为《护理研究》,季刊。
5、 2001年,经山西省人事厅、山西省卫生厅认定为等视中华类杂志,并由中华护理学会与山西省卫生厅共同主管;同年,页码由48页增至64页。
6、 2002年,该刊刊期改为双月刊。
7、 2003年,该刊刊期改为半月刊;同年,该刊编辑部兼并了《中医药研究》杂志,并更名为《中西医结合心脑血管病杂志》。
8、 2011年5月,《护理研究》成功转型,成为首批转企改制的试点单位之一,并与《全科护理》《中西医结合心脑血管病杂志》协商一致,整合成立了山西医学期刊社。
9、 2014年,期刊社成功申办了《Chinese Nursing Research》(护理研究英文版)和《循证护理》两种期刊;同年12月,该刊成为中国原国家新闻出版广电总局第一批认定学术期刊。
10、 2018年,《Chinese Nursing Research》更名为《Frontiers of Nursing》,进一步细化了护理期刊分类。至此,山西医学期刊社共出版5种期刊,分别为《护理研究》《Frontiers of Nursing》《全科护理》《循证护理》《中西医结合心脑血管病杂志》。
international journal of nursing sciences是核心期刊吗
Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. On behalf of Chinese Nursing Association
Peer review under responsibility of Chinese Nursing Association
Aims and Scope: International Journal of Nursing Sciences (IJNSS, ISSN: 2352-0132) is the official peer-reviewed research journal of Chinese Nursing Association. This journal aims to promote excellence in nursing and health care through the dissemination of the latest, evidence-based, peer-reviewed clinical information and original research, providing an international platform for exchanging knowledge, research findings and nursing practice experience. This journal covers a wide range of nursing topics such as advancing nursing practice, bio-psychosocial issues related to health, cultural perspectives, lifestyle change as a component of health promotion, chronic illness, including end-of-life care, family care giving. IJNSS publishes 4 issues per year in Mar/Jun/Sep/Dec. IJNSS intended readership includes practicing nurses in all spheres and at all levels who are committed to advancing practice and professional development on the basis of new knowledge and evidence; managers and senior members of the nursing; nurse educators and nursing students etc. IJNSS seeks to enrich insight into clinical need and the implications for nursing intervention and models of service delivery. Contributions are welcomed from other health professions on issues that have a direct impact on nursing practice.
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Aims and Scope: International Journal of Nursing Sciences (IJNSS, ISSN: 2352-0132) is the official peer-reviewed research journal of Chinese Nursing Association. This journal aims to promote excellence in nursing and health care through the dissemination of the latest, evidence-based, peer-reviewed clinical information and original research, providing an international platform for exchanging knowledge, research findings and nursing practice experience. This journal covers a wide range of nursing topics such as advancing nursing practice, bio-psychosocial issues related to health, cultural perspectives, lifestyle change as a component of health promotion, chronic illness, including end-of-life care, family care giving.
护理前沿杂志是一本英文刊,英文刊名为:Frontiers of Nursing,收英文稿件,目前该期刊并没有被核心数据库收录,为医学普刊,由山西医学期刊社主办,因此为省级医学期刊。