I signed up to ADULT FRIEND FINDER and bang hot bitches. One day, ADULT FRIEND FINDER will totally replace marriage and romance.
I used ADULT FRIEND FINDER when I was dating my girl friend. My girl friend wanted a legal marriage and I am against any form of government’s intervention on my private life. So I need more bargaining position.
After all, if marriage is so good, why the market don’t take care of it? If we think marriage is important, why not write every single iota of our marriage terms.
I meet many girls in ADULT FRIEND FINDER . Some are indeed pretty as they are in the picture. Some are ugly and I simply don’t call her again.
Some of the hottest girls that I thought are beyond my reach are actually easy to get. They just want some small amount of money. Girls unlike men, are not good at real job and can more profitably sell her body to rich smart males like me.
After chatting, I meet with a reasonably hot girl. My girl friend is prettier, but I like girls that are more open minded.
We go to a cinema. There I just touch her all over the places in front of all the people in the darkened room. All that is within hours of meeting. I was so horny. I like the feeling of power. I know she likes me because I am much richer than her and she needs to tolerate all my touching.
It helps me understand women in general. I ask her whether she prefer marriage or free sex. She said that if government pays for welfare she prefer free sex. However, if government doesn’t, then she need to ensure that the male pay for her child. I think it’s reasonable.
It’s nice to know how paying tax to support welfare is genetic suicide. I also learn that the only thing girls want from marriage is money and security. So if I am rich enough I can get laid without being trapped in a monogamy hell. Yay.
But well, we can always have an affair anyway.
Then we move on to the, ugh, uhm next level.
The other girl I met is quite pretty. She is hot and has dark indian malay skin. She put her naked picture on ADULT FRIEND FINDER . I tried to woe her. She said she only want white guy. Oh fuck.
My heart is broken. I quickly told her that Asians, like me, got big cocks too to regain our national pride. But then I realized that my gf is prettier anyway and this racist hotties are unworthy to pursue. Maybe I’ll just introduce her to my white friends.
Then there is this hot girl who I knew from a friend before.
Yummy. We got a great chat about Israel bombing Lebanon. Man, she is a goddes. A friend of mine then invited me to her photo session. I wish all girls are like her.
I definitely love ADULT FRIEND FINDER . The rest is charm and a few $10 here and there to show of wealth to those girls. I like to pick gold membership. That way girls know I am rich enough. I of course want the cheapest sex. But women prefer the rich mainly for their perceived superiority rather than money anyway. So it worths to spend a little money to look rich in front of babes.
So, why let government be the pimp, as in marriage, if ADULT FRIEND FINDER can do that cheaper through free market mechanism.
I tried other dating service. But the girls are much less there. Will keep you updated. One such network is enough I guess.
求800字英语作文:Linguistics and My English Learning,主要谈谈在自己的英语学习中语言学的指导作用等
Learning linguistics is an important part of learning foreign languages. Without knowledge of morphology, it is difficult to understand the meaning of words. Without knowledge of syntax, it is difficult to form proper sentences. Without knowledge of phonetics, it is difficult to pronounce new sounds correctly. Even simply knowing the symbols of the International Phonetics Alphabet can make learning pronunciation several times easier.
Linguistics encompasses many more fields related to language in general, but my major concentrations are in second language acquisition (SLA) and pedagogy. I received my Bachelor's degree in French & Linguistics in 2004 and my Master's degree in Linguistics & Teaching English as a Second Language in 2007. I am currently working on a PhD in Languages & Linguistics and expect to finish my dissertation in mid 2014.
My major research interests are related to the role textbooks play in language teaching and learning, including the use of (or lack of) realia and informal language, as well as the teaching of vocabulary with regards to frequency and corpora and the importance of listening comprehension for learning vocabulary. Obviously, I'm also interested in the role technology plays in language learning, especially computer-assisted language learning (CALL) that allows for more audio-visual input than the regular classroom.
The following pages are based on notes from my university courses if you'd like to learn more about linguistics in general.
Linguistics 101 Introduction to linguistics for undergraduates, with a more extensive section on phonology from a graduate course
English Grammar Grammatical terms and examples, verb conjugations, spelling rules, and homophones
History of English Semester notes from an undergraduate course
If you are interested in doing a degree in Linguistics, in addition to the pages above, you can read through the following notes, homework and papers that I wrote for my courses (PDF or DOC format*). This may not be representative of all Linguistics programs, as online schooling classes may be different, but it will hopefully give you an idea of what type of work you may need to do in order to obtain a Linguistics degree. Please visit Applelinguist for a great review of PhD programs in Linguistics if you're still undecided about where to do your degree.
Second Language Acquisition Project 1: Second Language Acquisition & Age
Second Language Acquisition Project 2: Bilingual Education
Second Language Acquisition Group Project: Analysis of Pimsleur Russian Program
Second Language Acquisition Final Project: Grammar Acquisition & Pedagogy
Linguistic Analysis Final Project: Hebrew (Study of a Non-Indo-European Language)
Comparative Phonetics Homework: Acoustic Phonetics Definitions
Phonology Notes: Phonological Features
Phonology Article Summary: On the status of onglides in American English by Stuart Davis and Michael Hammond
Phonetic Theory Notes: Airstream Mechanisms
Phonetic Theory Term Project: Dutch Fricatives (Audio: )
Biology of Language Notes: All Lectures
Biology of Language Chapter Summary 1: Language as an Adaptation to the Cognitive Niche by Steven Pinker
Biology of Language Chapter Summary 2: What are the Uniquely Human Components of the Language Faculty? by Marc D. Hauser and W. Tecumseh Fitch
Biology of Language Chapter Summary 3: Symbol and Structure: A Comprehensive Framework for Language Evolution by David Bickerton
Biology of Language Chapter Summary 4: Motor Control, Speech and the Evolution of Human Language by Philip Lieberman
Syntax Midterm Notes: Endocentricity Constraint
Master's Seminar: Grammatical Morpheme Acquisition in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Learners
* Some of the Word documents use SILDoulos font for the IPA symbols, so you may need to download and install the font in order to correctly view the symbols.
望采纳 谢谢
结构 800字的文章也算是有点长的了 你写不出来 主要是不能把他们拆分成几个小段写,比如说拆分成4个小段,每个小段写这个问题的一个方面,然后中间用很多事例,数据,论点填充,这样的话 其实还是比较简单能写出来的
英语学习改变人生论文 800字
口语学习的提高就是坚持每天多说英语 我就感觉.好.去年上课的ABC天卞英语还行 课程是帮我量身制定的,我觉得介格还是不错的 这样的学习也应该能够提供给你很大的进步,我就进步很多了;挫折并不可怕,而且挫折是人生的必修课,所以我们应该正视挫折。我们不仅不应该害怕挫折,反而应该感谢挫折,你想想看,是不是挫折使你明白生命的内涵?他告诉我们生活的八字真诀:正视、不屈、沉着、奋进。挫折是福:顺境中人们看到的是鲜花和笑脸,然而,习惯于喜悦侵润的心灵往往承受不起打击的负荷,只有迎向挫折,尝遍人间酸甜苦辣,感受世态冷暖炎凉,才能有更多一层对生活的领悟,更了解人生的真谛。塞翁失马,焉知非福!碰到挫折不要畏惧,不要厌恶,从某方面说,挫折对我们来说是一件历练意志的好事,惟有挫折与困境才能使一个人变得坚强,变得无故。挫折可以锻炼我们克服困难的种种能力,森林中的大树,不同暴风骤雨搏击过千百回,树干就不会长得十分结实,人不遭遇种种挫折,其人,本领就不会走向成熟,一切的磨难忧苦与悲哀,都足以帮助我们成长,锻炼我们。挫折足以燃起一个人的热情,唤醒一个人的潜力,而使他达到成功,有本领,有骨气的人,能将“失望”变成“动力”像蚌壳那样,将烦恼的沙烁化成珍珠。挫折和失败都是成功的向导。挫折也是一所人生的好学校,挫折是一所每个人都必须经历的学校,在这所学校里,将学会怎样做人,你将学会独立思考,怎样选择,这一切都决定你一生的命运。心理学家认为:对挫折的体验,能培养人从容应付风险的能力,一旦发现自己能在风险中挺过来,对失败的恐惧就更少了。不经历风雨怎能见彩虹?没有失败的人生绝不是完美的人生,当你战胜失败时,你会对成功有更深的感悟,就是在这样一次次的感悟中,你走出了一个完美的人生。哲学家科林说:“不经历挫折,成功也只能是暂时的表象,只有历经挫折的磨难,成功才能像纯金一样发出光来。挫折并不可怕,可怕的是,经历了挫折却不知道总结挫折的教训,暂时的挫折不应该是消沉的原因,而应该是继续奋斗的起点。逃避挫折是解决不了问题的,最好的办法就是与挫折相处,不怕挫折,勇于面对他,接受他,并从挫折中吸取人生的经验和营养,从而使自己在不断经历和克服挫折的过程中逐渐成长,壮大,直至走向成功。我忠心希望你可以正视挫折,藐视挫折,勇敢的面对挫折,最终走向成功。为了自己的快乐,为了成功后的快乐,努力吧。加油。我们共同为了快乐而努力。