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【急】求一篇外文翻译 关于特色农业问题的外文文献
Adjustment of agricultural structure, characteristics of the western region to speed up the development of agriculture
【Abstract】 implementing the western development strategy and strategic adjustment of agricultural structure for the development of agriculture with characteristics Samangan province have provided favorable opportunities and broader space, this article from the analysis of Gansu Province, the implementation of the importance of agriculture with characteristics and the main features of the market potential of agricultural products start to understand the characteristics of Gansu Province characteristics of agricultural production and put forward the implementation of special agriculture in Gansu Province of the countermeasures and suggestions.
【Key words】 western characteristic agriculture
Gansu province is located in China's western region is a vast region, is included in the national development of the western region the concept of one of 12 provinces and municipalities and autonomous regions, serious soil erosion, land desertification, water shortages, destruction of vegetation, forest grassland degradation Gansu province is a major eco-environmental problems, industrial pollution in the city after-effects of economic development. Gansu Province, the fragile ecological environment will not only hinder further development of regional economy, but also the future of the living environment has become a major risk. All this has its crux of the problem: the history of long-term low levels of productivity and ecological fragility of both cause and effect; "too much emphasis on food self-sufficiency" model of development led to forest destruction and soil erosion; economic construction does not follow the law of the ecological environment, ecological construction technology support the weak; institutional fragmentation, so that ecological protection and construction of the measures can hardly be implemented. Characteristics of agriculture refers to the unique resources, clear regional characteristics, a special product quality and specific consumer market of agricultural industrialization. Gansu Province, a vast territory, light, heat, water, soil is rich in resources, species diversity, with the development of agriculture with characteristics and potential advantages. After years of development, characteristics of Gansu Province has been a foundation of agriculture. Implementing the western development strategy and strategic adjustment of agricultural structure for the development of characteristic agriculture in Gansu Province provided favorable opportunities and broader space. At present, we should seize the opportunity, clear thinking, focus, work out measures to speed up the characteristics of agricultural development in Gansu Province
1, the development of Gansu Province, the importance of agriculture with characteristics
1.1 The development of characteristic agriculture is implementing the western development strategy will focus on the task.
Agriculture is the basis for developing the western region and an important part. Characteristics of agriculture is the focus of agricultural development in the western region. Characteristics through the development of agriculture, strengthening infrastructure construction, improve production conditions, enhance productive capacity, can further strengthen agriculture as the foundation of Gansu Province to speed up agricultural and rural economic development pace for the development of Gansu's economy and narrow the gap between east and west to create the conditions.
1.2 is the development of characteristic agriculture in Gansu Province strategic adjustment of agricultural structure of the main direction of attack.
The use of Gansu Province, rich in agricultural resources, in line with local conditions and characteristics of agricultural and industrial development, nurturing characteristics with the western industrial belt of agricultural and industrial groups, agricultural resources can achieve a multi-level, multi-channel development and utilization to meet the diversification and high quality market demand is conducive to opening up new market space, Gansu Province, to promote the agricultural structure optimization and upgrading.
2. Gansu, the main features of the development potential of agricultural products and market demand analysis
From the distribution of agricultural products and market demand, both in terms of Gansu Province, with resources and potential for development of agricultural resources are mainly concentrated in the food, medicinal herbs, fruit and livestock products on.
2.1, food
In 2002 the province's grain sown area of 3943 mu, 7.83 million tons grain output. Between regions in food production that there are clear regional differences, good natural conditions in the plain areas and to take intensive intensive methods of production inputs are also relatively large, thus the per capita grain output was significantly higher than other areas. Per capita food expenditure from the situation, the year the total income per capita grain 583.92 kilograms, 458.24 kilograms of total expenditures. Main per capita consumption of 258.45 kilograms of grain (including 212.89 kilograms of wheat, representing the main food consumed 82.37%), 42.75 kilograms of grain feed, 27.72 kilograms of seed grain. Help Gansu food consumption is still in a state of equilibrium tightness, food as the mainstay of rural food consumption status has not been any big changes.
With the gradual deepening of reform and opening-up and join the WTO, the current international market prices tend to decline, while China's grain production costs are generally upward trend. The short term a significant increase in land productivity may be low, China's comparative advantage in grain production continued to decline. In addition China's wheat import market of the United States and European Union countries in the Uruguay Round negotiations, reached an agreement to reduce subsidies, which means that China can no longer own the market of imports from these relatively low over the past price of wheat to China to take measures to raise the level of food self-sufficiency and reduce food imports. As the grain in Gansu Province larger share of agricultural products, the impact of lower prices to become the province's agricultural prices decline in the overall level of the main factors.
2.2, economic crops
In the economic crops, the potential for greater processing Chinese herbal medicines, medicinal herbs market in the country occupies a pivotal role, medicines rough year more than 11,000 tons, 3270 tons of proprietary Chinese medicines. Five bulk. Angelica is in Gansu Province is the largest varieties of medicinal herbs, over the years has been in a tight pin, and annual production of more than 28.4 thousand tons, the volume of 27,300 tons of goods, export volume of 1509 tons. At present, the formation of their own as the mainstay of rural Danggui market Minxian Xiguan, Meichuan, Dangchang hada Shop, of the rationale for Sichuan, Zhangxian Chengguan, Ishikawa, Weiyuan Kawasaki, etc. will be over 10. These markets with other medicines markets outside the network for the promotion of medicines in circulation has played an important role. Changium Gansu Province is the second largest varieties of medicinal herbs, annual output of more than 14,000 tons, the volume of more than 13,000 tons of goods, with its output accounting for about 70 percent of national output, of which the principal export patterns. Radix Hedysari is unique to Chinese herbal medicines in Gansu, the main export to Taiwan. Rhubarb and liquorice market demand, lack of sales production, prices, market prospect.
Traditional Chinese Medicine in Gansu Province is the main pharmaceutical products in 2002, the sown area of Gansu Province, 199 million mu of Chinese herbal medicines, the total output 305,800 tons, the annual industrial output value of Chinese medicine to 4 billion yuan, accounting for all the Chinese medicine industry to 40 percent. Medicine more prominent structural contradictions in the economy, small and scattered industrial enterprises, commercial enterprises in Gansu medicine abuse is a significant feature. Most of medicine resources on the supply of raw materials or primary products market, value-added processing and great potential. Gansu medicine market capacity of 20 billion yuan, but in Gansu local market consumption of only 6 million yuan, the market demand.
1, "on the characteristics of the western region to speed up the views of agricultural development," the Ministry of Agriculture 2002.12
2, Zhu Xing BAI "developing the western region - agriculture, rural areas and farmers," Economics and Management Press 2002.7
3, reference is LiuXinmao weeks "loess ground green hope" Lanzhou University Press 1999.1
【关键词】西部 特色农业
2. 甘肃主要特色农产品的开发潜力及市场需求分析
1、《关于加快西部地区特色农业发展的意见》 农业部 2002.12
2、朱文兴 白明 《西部大开发――农业、农村、农民》 经济管理出版社 2002.7
3、刘兴茂 周述实 《黄土地上的绿色希望》 兰州大学出版社 1999.1
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