

发布时间:2023-12-12 01:22



探究GPSRTK 技术在水利工程测量中的应用论文

探究GPSRTK 技术在水利工程测量中的应用论文

GPS 技术作为一种全球卫星定位技术,不仅具有非常精密的三维导航能力与全球定位能力,同时还具有非常高的抗干扰性与保密性,RTK(实时动态差分法)是GPS 技术中一种较为常用的测量技术,由于GPS RTK 技术在实际应用中存在较高的潜力,所以在水利工程测量领域中应用对于测量工作的顺利进行可以起到重要作用。很多水利工程都建设在相对偏远的地区,这无疑为水利工程测量工作带来了非常大的困难,将GPS RTK 技术应用于水利工程测量中,可以使工程测量精度得到显著提高,其工程应用价值非常高。

1 GPS RTK 技术工作原理

GPS 技术目前已经在全球各领域中得到了广泛应用,RTK 技术也在水利工程测量中发挥出了非常关键的作用,可以为实际工作提供测量控制点坐标系的三维定位结果,按照该结果可以精确到厘米级。GPS 技术为RTK 技术提供了重要基础,二者在工程实际应用中均发挥着重要作用。RTK 技术以观测载波相位值为基础进行实时动态定位,它有效结合了GPS 技术与数据传输技术,可以为坐标系中观测点提供三维定位结果。通常情况下RTK 测量系统是由流动站接收机、基站接收机及数据链三部分组成的,利用该项技术进行测量,需要由流动站GPS 接收机采集信息,然后由GPS 接收机接收基准站发出的信号,对这些数据进行计算和处理,并采用整周模糊度求解技术对测量数据进行求解、处理,最终获得精确度达到毫米级的数据。

2 GPSRTK 技术在水利工程测量中的应用

2.1 控制测量中的应用

由于当前很多水利工程的位置都比较偏远,这些地区的高等级控制点比较少,工程测量过程中往往需要针对渠道与河道进行带状、横断面地形测量。传统到现场测量、水准测量方式在实际应用中很容易会受到天气、地形等相关因素的影响,并且多数工作均需要在外界进行,而利用RTK 技术大大减少了外业工作量,不仅省时省力,同时也节约了很多成本,仅需要在测区附近设置超过4 个高等级控制点即可完成测量。

2.2 地形测量中的应用

很多农田水利工程都需要现场选址,对小片地形进行测量,注意现场选址需要按照高层坐标等相关数据对具体位置进行确定。应用RTK 快速定位获得的坐标和数据可以充分满足现场测量要求,可以为定线、选址提供高精度的.数据资料。值得注意的是,应用RTK 技术进行地形测量不仅可以避免连续搬站造成的累积误差,同时其需要的测量人员也比较少,大大保证了碎部点点位的精度。

2.3 断面测量中的应用

当前很多水利工程和渠道均按照纵横断面图进行土石方量计算,然后在此基础上进行工程预算,于RTK 手簿中输入相应的设计线形之后,利用RTK技术可以将渠道横纵方向、渠道桩号与中线之间的距离,均提供给工作人员,以便于对断面高层点进行测量。

2.4 施工放样中的应用

利用常规方式放样一般要求通视情况良好,并且要同时有2~3 个人进行操作,这种全站仪放样是基于方向、距离的放样,方向设定好以后按照该方向前后移动。而RTK 放样直接获取放样坐标,利用电子手簿即可显示出与目标点之间的距离,同时还能进行直线、曲线放样。此外,该技术在拆迁放样中也起到了非常重要的作用,在拆迁房屋的过程中存在通视困难的问题,往往需要在拆迁线与建筑物之间的交叉点添加放样点,利用RTK 技术可以使该问题得到很好的解决。

3 GPSRTK 技术测量质量的保障措施

3.1 误差控制措施

随着近年来GPS RTK 技术在水利工程测量领域中的应用越来越广泛,测量误差问题也开始出现,一旦应用GPS RTK 技术测量时出现误差,应从GPS技术的角度着手进行误差控制,若卫星出现了错误,GPS 将会出现轨道误差,通常情况下水利工程测量中这种误差对测量值的影响是比较小的,甚至可以忽略不计。应用RTK 技术测量的过程中,若使用的天线出现了相位变化,这种情况下很容易会出现测量误差,这种情况下仅需校正天线即可实现误差控制。

3.2 提高工程测量质量的对策

要想提升水利工程测量质量,通常应从RTK 技术着手,其中最常见的就是已知点检核比较法,该方法利用RTK 技术测出测量点,然后以该点的三维坐标为基础,对这些坐标点进行比较检核,确定测量过程中误差的存在,然后采取措施进行控制。同时,重测比较法的应用也可以提升工程测量质量,该种方法是指确定精度较高的控制点,并对已经测量过的RTK 进行再次测量,对比原始数据与新数据,从中发现问题的所在,并利用有效措施进行解决。除此之外,还可以利用电台变频实时检测等方法提升工程测量质量。


综上,随着近年来GPS RTK 技术的快速发展,目前这项技术已经在水利工程测量领域得到了广泛应用,该技术的应用不仅可以提升工程测量精确度,同时还能有效保证测量效率的提高。实际工程测量过程中,很多因素都会对GPS RTK 技术的应用造成干扰,所以为了有效提升工程测量精确度,必须将基准站选址工作做好,确保数据切换的有效性,从而促进工程测量作业效率与质量的提升。


1. Space
The space is part of GPS satellite by 24 work [1], it is located above the surface of the 20 200km, evenly distributed in six track surface (4) each track surface, orbit for 55 ° Angle. In addition, there are four star orbiting satellites active backup. The distribution of satellite in global anywhere at any time can be observed in 4 above, and can keep good satellite positioning accuracy of geometrical image solution. This provides a continuous on time in the global navigation skills. GPS satellite produces two groups, one group called Morse code (C/A Coarse/Acquisition Code11023MHz), A group called the P (Procise Code 10123MHz), P Code for higher frequency, not suffer interference, high precision, so by the U.S. military control, and the password, generally, mainly for folk cannot U.S. military service. C/A code for measures to lower accuracy, and deliberately used mainly open to folk.
2. The ground control
The ground control station by a master, five global stations and 3 ground control station. There are equipped with precision of the station clock and continuous measuring cesium visible satellites to accept machine. The satellite observation stations will obtain data, including the ionosphere and meteorological data, after initial treatment, to master station. Master station from various stations, satellite tracking data calculated the orbit and clock parameters, then will result to 3 ground control station. The ground control station in each satellite run over to the navigation, master station instructions and data into a satellite. The injection of each star GPS satellite, and in every time inject stood range from satellite before finally injection. If a ground fault, so in the satellite navigation of stored information can also be used for a period of time, but the navigation precision will gradually decrease.
3. User equipment parts
User equipment parts namely GPS signal receiver. Its main function is to capture by certain Angle of satellite deadline to choose to follow these satellites and satellite, the operation. When the receiver to capture the satellite tracking, after receiving antenna can be measured and satellite pseudo distance and the distance change, satellite orbits parameters, such as the demodulation data. Based on these data, the receiver can handle the computer by positioning solution method and computing the user's position in the longitude and altitude geographical position, speed, time, etc. The hardware and software receivers in GPS data post-processing software package and form a complete GPS user equipment. GPS receiver unit and receiving antenna structure is divided into two parts of the unit. Receiver generally USES machine and together two kinds of dc power supply. Setting machine aims to replace the power supply without interruption continuous observation. In use within the time machine power battery charging automatically. After shutdown, machine battery power for the RAM, memory, in order to prevent the loss of data. At present various types of accept machine, weight and small volume and light, facilitate the field observation.
The Ground control system (by now), the Station so the control Station (Master), so now the Antenna (Ground), the Antenna control Station, colo springfield, Colorado (are). The ground control station is responsible for collecting information by satellite, and alex, relative to star satellite data from the atmosphere correction. Secondly, the existing users receiver for two and two, double-frequency due to price factor, general user buys more for single-rate receiver.

Aiming at the application of GPS road engineering
The application of GPS in road construction, is mainly used to establish various road engineering control network and determination of the control points electricity, etc. Along with the rapid development of the highway to survey technology, puts forward a higher request, due to long, known points less, therefore, with the conventional measure method not only, and the net difficulties are hard to meet the requirement of high precision. At present, China has gradually establish lines using GPS technology, then head high precision control network layont wires with conventional methods. Practice has proved, in a few tens of kilometers within the scope of the point error only 2 centimeters, reached the conventional method to realize the accuracy, but also greatly ahead of time. GPS technology also applied to the control measure of large bridge. Since it is unnecessary to tong, can form strong nets, improve accuracy of inspection, via conventional measure fulcrum is effective. GPS technology in the measurement of the tunnel has broad prospect of application, GPS, reduced need through conventional method, the intermediate links, therefore, high speed, high accuracy, significant economic and social benefits.
A GPS navigation and traffic management in automotive applications
Three-dimensional navigation is the primary function, GPS, ships, aircraft and ground vehicles pacers can use GPS navigation device for navigation. Car navigation system is in the global positioning system (GPS developed on the basis of a new technology. Car navigation system by GPS navigation, self-discipline, navigation and microprocessor, speed sensor, gyro sensor and cd-rom drives, LCD display. GPS navigation systems and electronic map, radio communication network, computer vehicle management information system, combining can achieve vehicle tracking and traffic management and many other functions.
A GPS in long-distance passenger vehicle management application (for example),
In the first set of professional long-haul GPS vehicle management system, and long-distance communication GPS intelligent management system, for example, it is combined with the satellite positioning technology, GPRS/CDMA communications business, GIS, image collection technology, computer network technology, and database in the company to build a passenger control (C/S structure and B/S structure combining), and the other for points, the public security bureau and control YunGuan departments and departments of the control system, established by the control center system, wireless communication system platform (GPRS/CDMA), global positioning system (GPS), four parts and trackside equipment all-weather, a full range of driver and vehicle tracking management platform, System can be registered vehicle dynamic tracking and monitoring implementation, pictures, driving record, management, data analysis and so on the function, monitoring vehicles in electronic map, and display of vehicles running track data, Operating terminal optional internal network or the Internet server to visit and through the center to provide online IE browser integrated passenger management data analysis of the control system (B/S structure), And the capacity of the system software available according to the center of the hardware configuration and operating terminal server, the most greatly expanded, net vehicles 500,000 can not only is long, can the passenger vehicles such social vehicles. And the system still can use group management, different types of vehicles into different groups, facilitate the operation management.
GPS technology application examples in the navigator
GPS navigators international leading brand: Ahada YiHang (of) -- from silicon valley, now login China!
The core products function:
1) map query
A penny saved is a penny gained in operation on a terminal search your destination location.
A penny saved is a penny gained can record you always want to place, and retain information, also can be Shared with others and the location information.
A penny saved is a penny gained fuzzy query your attachment or a location near the station, hotel, such as ATM.
2) route planning
A penny saved is a penny gained GPS navigation system will be set according to the starting point and destination, automatic programming line.
A penny saved is a penny gained planning routes whether can be set to pass some ways.
A penny saved is a penny gained planning routes whether can avoid high-speed etc. Function.
3) automatic navigation
A penny saved is a penny gained speech navigation:
To provide drivers advance in speech, navigation condition intersection traffic information, such as a way to understand the wizard tells you how to drive to the destination. Navigation in one of the most important function, make you need, through watching operation terminal voice prompt can safe destination.
A penny saved is a penny gained picture navigation:
In the end, will display operate maps and position of the car now, driving speed, the destination of the route, planning, crossing the road to tip.
A penny saved is a penny gained redesign line:
When you have the line planning, or go wrong when crossing, GPS navigation system according to your present position, for you to plan a new route to the destination.

GPS principle
GPS navigation system is the basic principle of measuring the satellite to known position of the distance between the user receiver, and then integrated satellite data can know the location of the receiver. To achieve this objective, the position of the satellite can according to record the clock time on satellite star found in a calendar.
Visible GPS navigation system is part of the satellite launch navigation ceaselessly. However, due to the use of the user to accept machine with satellite space-borne clock clock synchronization, may not always except user 3d coordinate x, y, z, will also introduce a Δ t is the difference between the satellite and the receiver as unknown, then use four equations will these four unknown. So if you want to know, the receiver's place at least four satellites can receive the signal.
GPS receiver can receive the GPS clock can be used to accurately on the two levels of second time information, Used to forecast the next few months in the general position of satellite prediction star alex, Can be used to calculate the location for the satellite radio star alex, the coordinates for a few meters to dozens of accuracy of each different, rice (change) satellite, And the GPS system information, such as satellite.
GPS receiver to code measurement can get satellite receiver, because of the distance to the clock contains receiver satellite transmission error, error and the atmosphere is called pseudorange. 0A yards of measured pseudorange called UA yards pseudorange and accuracy for about 20 meters of P yards, measured pseudorange called P yards pseudorange and accuracy for about 2 meters.
GPS receiver of received signal, decoding technology, or other information on the carrier modulation in removed, can restore carrier. Strictly speaking, the carrier phase should be called the carrier frequency phase, it is patted the received by doppler frequency influence of satellite signal receiver carrier phase and machine generated signal phase difference oscillations. General bell in the epoch receiver determined to keep time measurement, satellite signal, it can track record of phase change, but start when the value of the receiver and satellite observations of the oscillator is not know the initial phase of the epoch, also don't know phase integers, namely the fuzzy degrees, only in data processing as parameters. Phase observations of high precision and mm, but the premise is a whole week, so only in fuzzy relative positioning, and a continuous observation can use phase observations, and to achieve superior level meters positioning accuracy of also only using phase observations.
According to the localization way, GPS positioning and relative into single point positioning (difference). According to a single point positioning receiver is the observation data to determine the position of the receiver, it only USES pseudorange observation, can be used as a compendium of navigation and positioning vehicles. Relative location (difference) is based on the observation data of two above receiver to determine the relative position between the observation methods, it can be adopted pseudorange observation may adopt phase observation and geodesy or engineering measurement shall be made phase observation value relative positioning.
In the GPS observation satellite and the receiver is contained in the clock, atmospheric propagation delay, the multipath effect etc, in the positioning error when calculating by satellite radio star alex, the influence of error in relative positioning error when most public offset or weakened by positioning accuracy, so will greatly improve, double-frequency receiver can according to the observation of two frequency offset the atmosphere, the main part of the error of the ionosphere, high accuracy in the distance between the receiver when significant difference (air), should choose double-frequency receiver.

