目录(小三号字加粗):分一、二、三等级标题撰写,均小四号字,1.5倍行距,标题应与正文一致 (用小写罗马数字标注页码,居中)
前言第一章 基本知识一、绪论二、选择论题和确定论文题目三、收集资料、分析资料、拟订参考书目四、构思与拟订提纲五、拟稿六、修改、润饰、定稿七、论文的格式八、开题报告的写法九、论文答辩十、与指导老师密切合作第二章 专题毕业论文写作一、英美文学二、翻译理论与实践三、英语语言四、语言与文化五、英语教学法第三章 优秀毕业论文选评Charles Macklin’s ShylockRealism in wo Cognitive Approaches to Language Learning附录国内外外语与外语教学类主要学术期刊国内外在线图书馆网址国内外外语与外语教学类网址英语专业毕业论文评审参考标准主要参考书目 chapter 1 introduction1.1 definition of the graduate thesis1.2 major features of the graduate thesis1.3 subject areas for english majors to do the research1.4 structure of the graduate thesis for english majors1.4.1 the front matter1.4.2 the text1.4.3 the back matterchapter 2 planning the paper2.1 choosing a topic2.1.1 getting start in finding a topic2.1.2 the principles of choosing a topic2.1.3 how to find an appropriate topic2.2 writing a thesis proposal2.2.1 the importance of writing a strong thesis proposal2.2.2 the structure of a thesis proposal2.3 research methodology2.3.1 the classification of language research2.3.2 research methods2.3.3 data collection2.3.4 writing techniqueschapter 3 writing the paper3.1 writing the abstract of a thesis3.1.1 what is an abstract?3.1.2 structure of an abstract3.1.3 types of abstract3.1.4 how to write a good abstract3.1.5 the extract of key words3.2 writing the introduction3.2.1 the major elements in an introduction3.2.2 summary3.3 conclusion3.4 revision3.5 documentation3.5.1 format of citation and notes3.5.2 format of works cited3.6 acknowledgementschapter 4 optional 4.1 a thesis on english education4.2 a thesis on linguistics4.3 a thesis on translation4.4 a thesis on linguistics