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给范文:Response to comments  Dear Editors and Reviewers:  Thank you for your letter and for the reviewers’ comments concerning our manuscript entitled Those comments are all valuable and very helpful for revising and improving our paper, as well as the important guiding significance to our We have studied comments carefully and have made correction which we hope meet with The main corrections in the paper and the responds to the reviewer’s comments are as following:  Comments:(列举提问题切忌要遗漏任何项)   Please check and    Please      Response:(表示遗憾谢并且详细说明改进程/或解释审稿疑惑要详细题号要应面问题编号)   We are very sorry for our unclear report    It is our negligence and we are sorry about According to comment, related content have been    As the Reviewer's good advice,   Special thanks to you for your good   20xx-xx-xx国外审稿人是义务的,可以根据文章质量和自己的看法自由地提出意见和建议。国外审稿人绝大多数治学严谨,很注重reputation,可以说拿信誉当生 命。当他们接到审稿要求时,如果很忙或不懂你的专业或领域,他们会decline。但只要答应审稿,一般都是尽职尽责的完成审稿任务。因此,当你接到审稿 人的意见时,首先要摆正心态,保持冷静。不要用偏见的心态去断定审稿人有偏见、歧视。做研究的确很辛苦,发表文章也确实很不容易。但审稿人同 样也很辛苦,也很不容易。他们认认真真地阅读你的文章,给你提出中肯的意见,甚至很好的建议。如果还被你措辞强硬的怪罪一阵,换着谁也会生气。要知道,找 理由拒绝一篇文章并不是一件很难的事情。因此,这个时候,你一定要好好的静下心来,好好分析sci论文发表审稿人的意见,找出问题的所在。所有问题必须逐条回答;尽量满足意见中需要补充的实验;满足不了的也不要回避,说明不能做的合理理由;4。对于你不认同的意见,也要委婉有技巧地回答,做到有理有据有节; 审稿人推荐的文献一定要引用,并加以讨论。









如果能补充的话,尽量补,除非因为样本的原因或是毕业在即!说明本次研究的主要目的:如主要是测血清水平的而不是测蛋白水平或基因水平的,证实本实验足以得出相应结论。(但谦虚是必要的,先感谢一下reviewer的意见,然后We understand that **(要补的实验)may better reveal the However, in the present study, we mainly focused , and we think that ***(你已经做的实验) may not be optimal, but should be sufficient to draw a conclusion that 以前文献已经做过,直接引用。并且说明本次实验是从另一个层面来证实他们的结论。 自己曾经遇到的一个问题以及自己的回答,供大家参考:Question: Of the patients who had ** how many had biopsies? If they did and were**+ how many revealed characteristics of ** associated vasculitis? Did any biopsies in patients who were not ** + reveal characteristics of ** associated vasculitis?Re: This is one limitation of this study, in consideration of injury of biopsies and our central aim is to study the relationship between serum ** and **, so we have not performed renal We understand that renal biopsies can better reveal the correlation between ** and **, it will be considered in our further

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