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Britain was the world's first country to establish constitutional monarchy, constitutional monarchy of the United Kingdom are British "Glorious Revolution" and built At around the mid-13th century, nobles in the same King Henry III to win the struggle, the establishment of P 13 after the end of the century, the regular convening of Parliament, Members of the aristocracy, the public and the Knight of the benefits from all walks of life because of different, usually not with a meeting after the 14th century, gradually divided into upper and lower houses of Since then, the lower house of the power of expanding, 15 century, the lower house of the motion has been put forward financial and legal powers of the However, during this period the feudal nature of Parliament is still the representative body of the L The United Kingdom before and after the bourgeois revolution, the Parliament has become the representative of the bourgeoisie with the feudal forces in the struggle against Stuart political After the Glorious Revolution, Parliament passed one after another "bill of rights" and "the law of succession to the throne," from a legal confirmation on the "parliamentary sovereignty" principle, to further restrict the Without the consent of Parliament, the King shall not be approved by law, the abolition of the law or the suspension of application of the law; and provides for the king must profess the Anglican Church, Catholics or Catholic marriage shall not inherit the 仅供参考

君主立宪制,或称“虚君共和”,是一种国家的体制。君主立宪是在保留君主制的前提下,通过立宪,树立人民主权,限制君主权力,实现事实上的共和政体。其特点是国家元首是一位君主(皇帝、国王、大公等等,教皇有时也被看做是一个君主)。与其他国家元首不同的是,一般君主是终身制的,君主的地位从定义上就已经高于国家的其他公民(这是君主与一些其他元首如独裁者的一个区别,一般独裁者将自己定义为公民的一员,但出于客观需要他必须掌权为国家服务),往往君主属于一个特别的阶层(贵族),此外世袭制也往往是君主的一个特点(不过在这一点上也有例外)。 君主虽然是国家的元首,但君主的权利、产生在各个国家、在不同时期却各不相同。 游牧民族的部落首领(欧洲中世纪前的日耳曼人、哥特人、汪达人等,中国北部的匈奴、蒙古人在建立元朝以前等,阿拉伯人在20世纪初)往往是世袭和选举混合出来的。一般历史学家认为,君主和君主制度是从这些首领制度中产生的。欧洲游牧民族从罗马末期民族大迁移到中世纪君主独裁国家的建立被比较完善地记录下来了。 在君主独裁制中,君主拥有最大的,一般来说无上的权利。中国从秦朝开始的皇帝们至少从理论上来说都独裁的君主。欧洲中世纪君主一般也是独裁的。但君主独裁制在欧洲的顶峰期却是在中世纪后、启蒙运动以后,当宗教与世俗的统治开始脱离的时候。欧洲最典型的独裁君主莫过于法国国王路易十四世了。中世纪时期阿拉伯世界的君主也都享有无上的权利。在君主独裁制中君主不仅是世俗的首领,而且也是宗教的首领。中国的皇帝被尊为天子,有为全国祭天地,祈五谷的义务。阿拉伯帝国的哈里发和鄂图曼帝国的苏丹同时也将自己看做是伊斯兰教的首领。但这里也有例外,欧洲中世纪的君主一般只有世俗的权力。大多数独裁的君主是世袭的,少数是选举出来的(比如神圣罗马帝国的皇帝)。 世界上最早的君主立宪制的国家是英国。到20世纪初,欧洲所有剩余的君主(假如教皇不被看作君主的话)都是立宪的君主。立宪的君主虽然依然是国家的最高领导人,但他们的权利和义务被宪法(多多少少)明确地规定。这样君主的权利多少受到限制,有一些君主的权利被限制到仅仅作为国家的代表,而没有实际的权利,但今天也依然有一些立宪的、拥有很大权利(比如组织或解散政府、指挥军队)的君主。 目前世界上的君主立宪制国家一般认为有: 欧洲:英国、挪威、瑞典、丹麦、荷兰、比利时、卢森堡、西班牙、安道尔、摩纳哥、列支敦士登 亚洲:日本、柬埔寨、泰国、马来西亚、尼泊尔 非洲:毛里求斯 美洲:加拿大、巴哈马、安提瓜和巴布达、巴巴多斯、伯利兹、圣克里斯多福与尼维斯、圣卢西亚、圣文森特和格林纳丁斯、格林纳达、牙买加 大洋洲:澳大利亚、新西兰、巴布亚新几内亚、图瓦卢、所罗门群岛







The British monarchyThe monarchy of theUnited Kingdom(commonly referred to as the British monarchy) is the constitutional monarchyof theUnited Kingdomand its overseas The British monarchy traces its origins from theKings of the Angles and the early Scottish K By the year 1000, the kingdoms ofEnglandandScotlandhad developed from the petty kingdoms of early medievalB Thelast Anglo-Saxon monarch (Harold II) was defeated and killed in the Normaninvasion of 1066 and the English monarchy passed to the Norman Inthe thirteenth century, the principality ofWaleswas absorbed byEngland,and Magna Carta began the process of reducing the political powers of From 1603, when the Scottish King James VI inherited the English throne asJames I, both kingdoms were ruled by a single From 1649 to 1660 thetradition of monarchy was broken by the republicanCommonwealthofEnglandthat followed the War of the Three K The Act of Settlement 1701, whichis still in force, excluded Roman Catholics, or those married to Catholics,from succession to the English In 1707 the kingdoms of England andScotland were merged to create the Kingdom of Great Britain and in 1801 theKingdom of Ireland joined to create the United Kingdom of Great Britain andI The British monarch became nominal head of the vastBritish Empire, which covered a quarter of the world's surface at itsgreatest extent in In the 1920s,five-sixths ofIrelandseceded from the Union as the Irish Free State, and the Balfour Declarationrecognised the evolution of the dominions of the empire into separate,self-governing countries within aCommonwealth of NAfter the Second World War, the vast majority of British colonies andterritories became independent, effectively bringing the empire to an George VI and his successor, Elizabeth II, adopted the title Head of theCommonwealth as a symbol of the free association of its independent The Commonwealthincludes both republics and At present fifteen other Commonwealthcountries share with theUnited Kingdomthe same person as their The terms British monarchy and British monarch are frequently still employed inreference to the person and institution shared amongst all sixteen of theCommonwealth realms,[ and to the distinct monarchies within each of theseindependent countries, often at variance with the different, specific, andofficial national titles and styles for each



英君主立宪制1689 权利法案日君主立宪制大日本帝国宪法法民主共和制1875年宪法确立美民主共和制大陆制宪会议1787年宪法德最初是君主立宪制1871年宪法


最早的话应该是英国君主立宪制,于1689年颁布的《 权利法案》确立,望采纳。



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